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Mitch... and his weekend sport

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Guest MikePapaKilo


The venerable Gordon Price designs live in RC flying. Interesting that the "pilot" in the Pitts derivitive is a long haired blonde, much like the lady who last flew GP's Ultimate300. Did you see the full-sized Ultimate when J.O. flew it ? Is that why you have that model in that model ??


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MPK... That there is a "Steen Skybolt"... I built it about 6 or 7 years ago, having no idea at the time (or now even) that it was derived from a Pitts... though I've just now come from a Steen Aerolab web page that seems to include one Curtis Pitts among it's crew, who's got a design for a radial engined Pitts called the Pitts Model 14, and it seems Steen Aerolab sells Pitts kits.... I didn't know there was any relation, and I'm still very unsure of what the relationship might be....

I never liked the look of the Ultimate. Squared off tips and corners and triangular tail pieces that look more at home on a Boeing... But our host here once told me that those features made for a very nice aerobatic flying machine.

The Ultimate is indeed still pretty popular in the RC world... There aren't nearly as many Skybolt's around... having never flown an Ultimate, I can't compare, but all the good stuff I hear from guys who have them make them sound almost as good as my little Black Beast. ...except they're ugly. biggrin.gif

The "blonde" is a "Barbie" doll my daughter donated for the cause... I just thought a gorgeous blonde would look really fine in a shiny black airplane. smile.gif (other guys put these plastic painted models of "pilots" in their airplanes and I couldn't bring myself to do that... notice the P51's cockpit is empty)

So J.O. is/was one of those lucky fellers who gets ta fling them things all over the sky? I'd like to hear more??

Boestar... I haven't flown either of those in couple years now, but I'm hoping to get them back in the air this year... There are 2 "clubs" within 5 minutes from me... and if there weren't, I'd fly them off the road or any old field, like where I learned to fly. smile.gif

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Uhm, that'd be a different J.O. there Mitch. I may be blonde, but I keep it cropped pretty short, and she's waaaaaaaaaay better lookin'! biggrin.gif

As much as I'd like to say different, I haven't been upside down in anything other than a roller coaster in almost 20 years. Maybe some day, the problem is the longer I wait, the more chicken I get. I'm very impressed with your toys Mitch. I tried that too many moons ago, but kids and mortgages sort of got in the way. You may know one of our guys in engineering support at SSV (initials J.C.), he's really into the RC flying as well, and has some beautiful specimens.


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