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The Jinx

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Twice only...

The first time I "acted" as a "team leader" ("supervisor" at other places) was hell (I know nobody gives a damn, but I feel like writing and you can't shut me up!).... In fact, it was such hell that I only vaguely recall what ugliness there was... things didn't go well... But I forgot about it....

A few days ago, the supervisor on my shift had gone through some hell, and he decided he'd like a day off... so he asked me if I'd fill in for him on the last day of our shift. "Sure" said I, foolishly forgetting that only other time I'd done it for him.... These poor sods can only get a day off if they find someone else to fill in for them!

So last night, there I was, trying to fill his role as "team Leader".... Good Grief! What a freakin' night! Four airplanes; a pair of '67's, a 320, and a 330.... One started out sour (the smallest of the bunch) and was quickly taken out of the loop... It was going to need more parts and time than we had.... No worries, let everyone know and plan to keep it for a while... no headache there...

The next two, one with an A check and a few bits of "called work" (items that were planned to be tackled because the time seemed to be right) -Sked to go flying mid morning, and one with some snags, a service check and also some "called work" -sked to fly late afternoon, seemed both to be good to be fit for the morning..... and the big one... also with called work, plus some mandatory work, and a service check, also seemed to be a piece of cake to be available in the morning, even though it wasn't scheduled to depart until the evening....

Well hell!! What's that they say about the best laid plans of mice and men?... What a cock up!...

The Big one had a bunch of stuff go wrong... snags that snowballed... work that went screwey... One of the 67's, the A check, early on turned up with problems.. we dealt with them, but they just kept coming.... still it looked possible it would meet it's sked anyway... The other 67 was just fine... all was going well.... But, the system was backing up with other difficulties now, so maybe all these birds would be needed for other flights before their current sked... Still, by 0430, the time when all the minds meet to plan the morning events, it looked like both 67's and the 330 would be just fine... The other troubles in the works had already made it clear that the later departure times were likely to be canned as the birds that were fit would be needed.....

By 0630, it was finally clear that the big bird was a can of worms, and our A check machine was in need of several more hours of work, so the other 67 was substituted for it's flight.... Due on a gate now at 0800, that machine was being run for final leak and function checks at about 0655, and she sprung a leak!... a good one from a spoiler actuator.... Nothing that anyone had diddled with at all overnight (kudos to the full time, real "team leader from the ramp, who said "Well, better it happens here than up there" -pointing skyward - Amen to that!)

Holy mackeral batman!... what a night.... four airplanes when we began and all four airplanes were still in need of work at 0840 when we left..... I think that puts my batting average at .... ummm.... just about zero!

Phone calls galore.... Questions galore... last minute YIKES! style "Uh Oh" conversations on the phone.... airplane swaps.... Un-met "estimates" galore.... What a freakin' night!

I'm a jinx I tell ya! These guys who do this job on a regular basis don't get nearly enough money!!!! I'm here to tell you that "Murphy" is alive and well! Everything that could go wrong last night did in fact go wrong! Nothing, not a single opportunity was missed!

Thank god for Fridays, .... and weekends.... and Appletons... I'm enjoying this one! blink.gifsmile.gif



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I have had many a night like that myself. Seems like the hole keeps getting deeper. biggrin.gif


Bad night or not, listening to the dedication of you guys is very reassuring to us paying customers at all airlines. I'm glad that what needs fixing stays on the ground, and doesn't get pushed back into service to meet some scheduler's needs.

And congrats on AC getting such a good IATA safety audit. The procedures and the people are all very professional.

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Thanks for that Dagger.... Yer dang tootin'! Nothin' that isn't fit to go will go... From our perspective, it's nice to hear some appreciation for that little bit of obvious reality.... Even while it bites us bad.... the object is flying, but not while things aren't "just right".

Oddly enough, as an AME, sometimes it hurts in some sense to keep an airplane on the ground... it does help the spirits when someone (anyone) comes up with the obvious comments that we're too often so engrossed with the need to produce that we could lose sight of...

Last week, I found a snag on a 67 that kept it down for three days... early this week, I found a snag on a 47 that kept it down for two and a half days... The mixed emotions are intense.... That's a lot of seats not flying.... but the better way to look at it is that that's a lot of potential grief -perhaps, in the worst case scenario, severe grief - that you've saved....

Anyway... we do what we need to do.... what we're paid to do... what we're trained to do, and what all those hapless bums-in-seats need us to do, on a regular basis... Once in a while, we get to feel proud of it. Thanks for helping with that. cool.gif



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I find it frustrating when passengers complain about flight cancellations and delays because of mechanical problems, weather etc. They don't seem to realize that it is all about safety. When I read your post the only thing that came to my mind was "the system works". I have no doubt in my mind that none of the aircraft on your shift were released until they were airworthy.

Well done.

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Last week, I found a snag on a 67 that kept it down for three days... early this week, I found a snag on a 47 that kept it down for two and a half days... The mixed emotions are intense.... That's a lot of seats not flying....

Think of it this way: The capacity on that 67 and 47 are more valuable to the airline in July (when fares/yields are at their peak) than in May. If you found something now that might have appeared later and cost the airline even more, well, you contributed positively to the bottom line, not negative.

Enjoy that Appleton's and the family this weekend (and not necessarily in that order either)

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I had someone next to me in the lounge a few years back that was being rather loud about not being happy with a mechanical delay. I looked at him and said that I was an AME and that I may be able to make arrangements for him to fly on a BROKEN aircraft but that I would wait right here for a good one. He was a little quieter after that.

I feel the same way Mitch...I WILL NOT let an aircraft go if I feel the least bit unconfortable. I feel a little bad saying its grounded but them's the breaks.

Safety in the air starts on the ground. Not many people realize that.


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Interesting MITCH, and I can’t help but notice that your problems are with the “new generation”, synthetic-amebic-electron endowed- plastic-throw-away aircraft. I would imagine that your heart yearns for those tough dependable…got a problem…gimme a hammer ……type aircraft.

Ah yes, remember those days where the MEL was so thin it couldn’t be used as a booster seat and the only time AMEs came aboard was in an attempt to scrounge a jump seat. Ah…but now we have aviation progress…or is it??? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Anchors aweigh at the dawns early light…… tomorrow. Be safe cool.gif

PS... icon_arrow.gif if you run out of bolts to attach an engine to a "real aircraft", I just happen to have 3 spares....a true momento of great days gone by... thanks to you ph34r.gif

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Kip, y'ol' Salty Sea Dog...! biggrin.gif

Them will be "nuts" that ye be referrin' ta.

As much as I'd like the opportunity to be let loose with another "real airplane" for a time with some meat and potatoes kind of work, if I was hangin' an engine I couldn't use those nuts anyway... they're the "use once only" brand. Besides... it's better that you should get to keep 'em. cool.gif

Best of luck with all your watery adventures to come this season... I hope you don't need to toss too much rum to the Old Man of the Sea... He probably get's enough from the Newfs! wink.gif



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Mitch: You should see Jazz in YYZ on Sunday A.M. trying to get books ready for 19 aircraft and yes they are smaller but they still have the same systems that break. Count your lucky stars.

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Guest Touchdown

To All AME's....

Years ago at a company I used to work at, we had an aircraft come down with no survivors. It shook up our little company quite a bit. THe one thing the management did well was to organize a group discussion to see where people's heads were at. All groups of the company came together for the discussion including managaement, office staff, maintence engineers and pilots. We had a round table discussion each person choosing when and if they wanted to speak. One voice was profound in my mind.

It was an AME I knew very well and he began to talk about his feelings each time he signs out an aircraft, especially something serious like after a flight control problem, or engine problem and the like. What he said was, after the accident, he didn't know how we could get back in the aircraft the next night and go flying in it. THe depth of his concern really had a profound effect on the way I view my maintenance pals. To this day it has not left me. When I ask for an opinion from an AME, I respect it, and if we disagree, well, usually a great discussion occurs.

So my hats off to the AMEs....We trust your judgement and your dedication.


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Thanks Touchdown...

There's much more to say here... and I want to, but haven't the time at the moment... Maybe another thread, later on sometime...

Anyway... I'm sure all of us appreciate your saying so.

...now, for MIKE LAVOY!....

Mitch, you forgot to mention that [M. Lavoy fellow] that kept takin' your picture.
I'm betting the camera broke! biggrin.gif
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