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AC associated with homophobia

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Guest wser

It's unfortunate that AC's name is being tarnished due to Sandals' policies. One just has to look at the amount of gays and lesbians in AC's worforce to see that it is an airline that welcomes all walks of life. cool.gif I wonder how a niche market of "Sandals - no asians, no blacks and no muslems" would go over??? If such an idea doesn't get much support than neither should a resort for "straights" only.

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It's unfortunate that AC's name is being tarnished due to Sandals' policies. One just has to look at the amount of gays and lesbians in AC's worforce to see that it is an airline that welcomes all walks of life. cool.gif I wonder how a niche market of "Sandals - no asians, no blacks and no muslems" would go over??? If such an idea doesn't get much support than neither should a resort for "straights" only.

The issue is more complex than that. I am all for allowing SSM, and I am firmly against banning anyone, but even resorts which aren't geared for a particular clientele may attract one. Certain Club Meds used to attracting swinging - and swigging - singles. They weren't appropriate for families, but woe unto Club Med and the airline and travel agent if a family went to one of those swinging Club Meds. I sometimes felt as if small claims courts were invented to deal with travellers who felt ripped off by resorts. So some kind of positive affirmation making clear to whom a resort will appeal and who may feel more comfortable elsewhere is certainly a good idea. People can't be trusted to do their homework; they have to have the facts thrust in front of their eyes.

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Guest Gord

Dagger, I agree with you, I would rather go to a resort where I would be offered the type of vacation I was looking for than unwittingly find myself in the middle of something that I absolutely did not want to experience, whatever your individual preferences may be.

For example, I'm 60yrs old, been married for 34yrs and although my wife and I enjoy a variety of different music for example, I would not want to be surrounded by thousands of head bangin' teenagers listening to punk rock, or heaven forbid that rap crap that sounds like a four cylinder car running on three cylinders and with a bad muffler to boot, all being boomed out at 5 million decibels through ginormous speakers wherever I went.

I think it's perhaps some of these people got a life and quit looking for a cause to crusade.


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And I think that KP should find more to do with his retirement years than scouring all news sources for stories to post on the forum hoping to generate some response . Have you considered golf, Kip?

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Would you have generated the same response if this article was posted by someone else, upperdeck??...You must think you are some kind of Post Police/Moderator...Give it a rest....you are becoming very predictable with regard to my contributions to this forum and...... why not identify yourself, seeing you seem to take exception to everything I put up.Comfortable behind the cloak of anonimity??

On the upside, perhaps you can take the time to find a few articles about airlines instead of harping about legitimate newspaper articles. While you're at it, why not chip in a few dollars to the site hosts...you have a job...yes??

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Good on ya for trying to keep the level of intellectual juices flowing here! wink.gif

The problem lies in the fact that people will take an issue personally without looking beyond the borders of the issue.

This news story encompasses more than possible percieved homophobia, and yet it is presented in the news story in a way that slags AC. Why is it an AC issue, yet not a Sandals issue?

I do believe that everyone has the right to do as they please, and they also have the right to do something that someone else "may" find unacceptable. The line must be drawn where injury starts. In this case, if a certain clientele is served at this resort, then maybe the person who wishes a beach vacation should go to another resort. In this day and age, there are companies who cater to all walks and persuasions in life.

Maybe it is time for us all to step back, take a deep breath, reconsider our options, and get a life?

Keep up the good work!

Iceman wink.gif

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Guest CabinDweller

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Another opinion might be that you seem closer to #3...maybe even others, than Kip is to anything.

You might've noticed, I'm in the position of being set straight a lot; just curious...does UpperDeck = Gnike

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Guest YVR_A320

I just checked the Canadian Consular Affairs web page"

Canadian Consular Affairs


You are subject to local laws. A serious violation may lead to a jail or a death sentence. The jail sentence will be served in local prisons. Local prison conditions are extremely harsh.

Canadians arrested or detained have the right to contact the responsible Canadian government office (embassy, high commission, etc.) listed below. Arresting officials have a responsibility to assist you in doing so. Canadian consular officials can provide a list of local lawyers upon request.

Possession of illegal drugs (including marijuana) may lead to lengthy jail terms. Departing visitors are thoroughly screened for drug possession. Many Canadians are serving prison sentences because they became involved in crime, in some cases unwittingly. Pack all luggage yourself and do not carry anything through customs for anyone else.

It is illegal to wear (or to buy or sell) army or police camouflage clothing.

Inappropriate conduct (public nudity in non-designated areas and indecent language) can lead to arrest. Homosexual activity is illegal.

Strict regulations may be enforced on the import and export of items such as firearms, produce, and pets. Entering the country with a firearm or even a single round of ammunition is a serious crime. Canadians should contact the Canadian High Commission in Kingston (see below) for specific information regarding customs requirements.

I wonder if the Star is going to write an article about how our government is "homophobic" because they put Jamaica's law under our Canadian flag. Is this any different than Air Canada putting the Sandals policy on their web site?

By the way, I go to Sandals on a regular basis and it is partially because it is for heterosexual couples only.

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Guest rattler

That old saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do" is still the best advice a traveler can follow to stay out of trouble. Travel agencies and airlines who pass advice re. restrictions are only doing their job and should be applauded rather than criticized.

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<<<Shiffman has her own company which acts as a consultant to clients including advertisers and the travel industry involving marketing research and strategic planning.>>>

I have no doubt this will be good for her biz.

Sounds to me that she is exactly the kind of high mtce chick, people in the industry love dealing with at the counter.

Look we used to go to certain club meds because they had a reputation for attracting prim and proper girls who let their hair down. We went there to

get sthooped and that was that. There were other clubs that were "family clubs"

ie: we were not welcome. Nobody ran to the toronto star to bitch.

As for the airline industry not being gay friendly...even the star knows thats a stretch. Ah, the media, if you can't find a story...create one.

Thats todays rant.....

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Guest Coastwatcher

Some people seem to enjoy step-taxiing through life looking for rocks to hit. For myself, if nobody is shooting at me and my kids aren't playing in a minefield then I'm having a pretty good day. Spin the globe a bit and you find people with something to really complain about.

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Let me see, Kip. Two posts that might be considered as other than flattering. That was quite the response from you. It's your forum..why would I pay? Homage to whom or what? You have your acolytes.

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Would you have generated the same response if this article was posted by someone else, upperdeck??...You must think you are some kind of Post Police/Moderator...Give it a rest....you are becoming very predictable with regard to my contributions to this forum and...... why not identify yourself, seeing you seem to take exception to everything I put up.Comfortable behind the cloak of anonimity??

Just a few thoughts to add, Mr. Powick. I responded or remarked upon two posts you made...this one and the other where you posted a link to a pedestrian being hit by two vehicles (admittedly, a movie clip but so what?). In response, and presumably because I was not singing praises, you suggest I "give it a rest"; that I've become "predictable" and I allegedly "take exception to everything you put up". Huh? What are you talking about? For having the nerve to criticize, you have detrmined that I should post my name and "pay up". CD has taken up your cause; she thinks that my remarks constituted harassment.

Fine,folks. Enjoy yourselves.

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I posted a link to a newspaper story concerning my previous employer , AC, and did not comment one way or the other on the subject matter. You took upon yourself to admonish me for posting a link to the article. You seem to feel that I should not have posted said article and that begs the question as to “why?”. Why not add YOUR opinion to the subject matter vice taking umbrage with the initial poster?.

If you wish to leave AEF in a huff, feel free but don’t pretend to lecture me on what is appropriate AEF content and what is not. I will go so far as to suggest you enjoy your time here, DO NOT read anything I post and if you see me making a comment on any other subject in a thread, merely “scroll” past me cause, believe it or not, I don’t give a rats rear who reads anything I post. This isn’t a forum where you get a prize for number of “hits” on any original post. Time to “chill” in the upper deck.

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Guest Gord

There are clubs that cater to those of the homosexual persuasion and I don't see any articles in the "Star" from people complaining about how unfair that is. To each his/her own and bollocks to all this PC crap.

One of my pet peeves for example is the perversion of the English language by the terms "Gay and Homophobic". There are many people out there who happen to be homosexual who are anything but gay, as a result usually of people who just won't mind their own bloody business, and the last time I looked, a phobia was a fear and I think I can safely say that I am not afraid of anyone simply because he/she is a homosexual. Unless of course he/she is very large and obviously pi$$ed off at me for something or they happen to be waiving a 9mm in my face, then I would be more than a tad concerned but I would feel this way if the person were a heterosexual too.


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Geez can't these people just get a life!

In my 20's as a hetro , I would look for a package with lots of single guys. In my 30's I would look for a package for families. In my 40's it woudn't matter where we went because by then my children would be old enough to understand all types of sexuality.

It's all part of life and learning. But I do get frustrated when AC is called up on the carpet for including advisorial warnings!

if I had booked a package tour and ended up with my children at a nudie resort , I would be furious with the travel agents who didn't advise me as such.

Without seeming to be paranoid, its almost like someone is working very hard to find anything to discredit AC and make a big news event out of it? Perhaps Ms. Schiffman is already flying discount carriers after a bad experience with AC and just wants to further her cause ?

Whatever her reason , I would appreciate my travel agency enlightning me on all resort packages so I could make my own choice on which would work for me...

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Guest ZX56034

My partner and I once inquired about an all inclusive vacation that happened to be a Sandles resort and was advised they had this policy. No big deal, if that is their policy, we can find other resorts that are more than willing to take our money regardess of our sexual orientation. Never have we been refused accommodation elsewhere and not once did they bat an eye when we asked for king sized bed.

Yes, there are tons of gay resorts we can choose from, unfortunately, they tend to be over priced and it just irkes me that because it happens to be a gay resort they can overcharge because we "supposidly" have a disposible income and can easily afford it. This is the same for any other gay business. They tend to jack up the prices. Well, I can only wish it were true that our income was 'disposable'. In most cases, gays have the same financial restrictions as everyone else and when we look for a vacation resort, we go with the best value for our money and not have to compromise on quality.

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Look at all the free advertising the Schiffman got out of this. She knows how to work the system. Her name is not pc though! It should be Schiffperson.

Unfortunately the TO Star is a sucker for these types of scams.

Back to important things now......

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