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Snags written on napkins?

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Guest Raven2911

The biggest problem is, if they are even remotely involved of a machine augering in... the BUSH way of thinking will be a career ending thought.

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Guest JazzMTC

yes but most of the time, their walking away from the airplane( their day being done ) and passing the buck to the next guy.

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Guest eastern


Ive never been asked to do such a thing and i value my a-- more than that.and i know my company does not incourage that.snags go in the book and if somebody thinks they are helping the company out by doing this,well

they are everywhere,in all of our companies.

besides i hate writing on napkins.sticky notes are better.kidding

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Guest Mtc.

That can be dangerous also,if the snag is on a napkin or not,it still exists... But I do understand the principle behind your statement...

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Guest ths320


I had to respond when I saw your posting. Yes, it was true. I worked for the company in question. I brought many of the areas of concern to TC with a response of "It's the Quebec government telling us to back off". It stills scares me because there a still a "similar" culture in exsistance today. This was back in 89-90 time frame. Let me know if you would like more details and I'll email you. ALL stories you hear are, unfortunately, very true. There is no exaggeration with the airline in question.

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Guest ths320


I saw your posting and I had to respond. I worked for the airline in question for two years. It was the worst 2 years of my 22 years in the industry. ALL stories you hear are true. There isn't ANY exaggeration with the airline that has been out of business for quite sometime. I would bring my concerns to TC and their response would be "Our hands are tied because of the Quebec government". What scares me to this day is there is still some people in the business to this day with the same "culture" and thought process. They need to be hit hard! Let me know if you would like more info.


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Bull&%$@!!! Keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you are talking about.

Also, get your facts straight- there was a precautionary engine shutdown NOT a failure.

I don't know ANYONE who would write a snag on a napkin or forgo writing it up and leave an airplane for another crew that had problems at ANY airline.

Some of yuo guys have to get a life or has WJ taken that from you.

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Guest ydkj

So what are you doing about. If nothing then I guess you accept it as much as the pilot writing it up. Don't you travel on the same aircraft. Be proactive. There are a few things that you can do to if it isn't right. Just takes balls. It doesn't matter if its a groundable snag or a deferrable one or even a cosmetic snag. Do something otherwise the mindset will never be changed. In my opinion, having knowledge of something like that and doing nothing about it is just like an accessory to the orignal problem.

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