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Photo Radar Simplified

Kip Powick

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Wow…what a topic !! Nice to see everyone vent in a civilized manner and here is my two cents…… You got a ticket…...pay the fine. If you are on camera speeding, what is your defence ????

You can debate the merits of photo radar or photo bugs at red lights but it will never be resolved here or elsewhere.

Take it like a man/woman/other and pay the ticket, if you don’t like photo radar, get involved to have it removed from your Province but in my opinion, there is no defence against breaking the “law’ and having the “breaker” on film……It’s very simple…or am I very simple :> :>

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And keeping with the aviation theme...Arguing against paying a ticket when caught on film is like doing a check ride, breaking minimums during the instrument check portion, and telling the check pilot... "Well I know I can go lower, cause I can handle it and as you can see we did not crash, and besides that the minimums are too high."

Think the checker is gonna change his mind about not renewing your inst rating??

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Kip... I agree with taking your lumps when they're due...

I managed several years without tickets, then got two inside a week.

First... passing a slower moving vehicle up a hill on a rural highway with temporary passing lane... I juiced it to get by him before running out of passing lane... cop next car over the hill got me. 115 in an 80. I paid, no argument.

Next, coming home from work on a Saturday morning on the 407... The cop wasn't at his usual spot and I thought I was safe... then around a bend, there he was! I was all alone on the highway and braked so heavily he didn't even have to move his car! (I thought I might have got it slowed soon enough, but he flipped his "cherry" on, so I knew I was pooched)... he was laughing as he approached... "Know how fast you were going?" he asked... "No idea" (I lied)... "Well", he chuckled..."You were down to 143 before I got the radar locked, but you were doing WAY more that that!"... He wrote the ticket for 115... no points. I think he was happy to see I was so alert that I could get it stopped without him having to move.

Again... fine paid. no argument. Ain't I good? ;)

Now, I've gotta get that oil change on the Alfonso. :D

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Read an interesting article once that explained how to fight tickets. It said how that question... "Do you know how fast you were going?" is one of the most common ways that people get busted. They get you to admit guilt right off the bat!

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For those out there who dislike photo radar as much as I do, check out these products. No endorsement or warranty implied or offered as I have never used them.




Good luck

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I'd think twice about the license plate cover you see in the backs of magazines. It is against the law to cover your license plate - even if you just wish to keep it clean.

My Father tried the photo radar obscuring plate cover. The plastic cover that is supposed to "fuzz out" the lettering... He received a very nice photo of his rear end - the car's - in the mail a week after he put it on.

Caveat Emptor...

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You should all move to our lovely province (hehehe), here they still use the good ol' controversial hair dryer type hand held radar... none of that photo radar B.S. here, no sireee!!!

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Guest Gino Under


Admission of guilt is the easiest conviction on record.

"Do you know how fast you were going, Sir?"

"Yes Officer. I was doing the posted speed limit." (try not to grin when you say it though)


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