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Air Transat Glider

Kip Powick

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The latest issue of AIRLINE PILOT has an article on Air Transat Flt 236 (the Lajes Glider).

They certainly put a different spin on the final report ...certainly different from what I read...but then again, it is their job to protect their boys now, isn't it. wink.gif

Makes me wonder if they read the same final report I did. unsure.gif

Oh yeh, this American produced magazine has a cover page with a picture of a Jazz F/O doing a walkaround on an RJ and there is a two page spread entitled..


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While I detest the spin doctoring that ALPA tends to use when reviewing accident reports, I can understand it on some levels in this case.

In my opinion, there has been a pretty negative attitude portrayed by much of the pilot community regarding the actions of the TS front end crew that night. Did their actions warrant findings that things should have been done differently? Yes, clearly. But, and this is a pretty huge "but" in my opinion, they should never have found themselves in that circumstance in the first place. Yes some of that was their own doing, but much more of it was not. On many levels, they were the victims of a defective system.

Whether its' poor maintenance practices, inadequate directives from the engine manufacturer, or ambiguities in the A330's fuel management system and the training of same, there were many opportunities for prevention long before the fuel leak started. At the end of the day, the boys were handed a bag of you know what, and while it took a while for them to realize the bag smelled bad, they did manage to pull it all together for the flare. Was it heroic? Not in my opinion. Most heroes in history have not acted in such a way that has exacerbated the very need for their heroism. Do they deserve a fairer shake than they've received from the pilot community at large? I think it's worthy of consideration. Hence, I can see APLA's motivation in the way they wrote the article.


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Whether its' poor maintenance practices,

Just in case that quote is misinterpreted, this maintenance mishap clearly doesn't portray company culture at AT. Maintenance on our planes is impeccable and has been since I started flying there 8 years ago...

I strongly believe this was an isolated event, which I'm sure will never have the potential to happen again.

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The latest issue of AIRLINE PILOT has an article on Air Transat Flt 236 (the Lajes Glider).

They certainly put a different spin on the final report ...certainly different from what I read...but then again, it is their job to protect their boys now, isn't it. wink.gif

Makes me wonder if they read the same final report I did. unsure.gif

Oh yeh, this American produced magazine has a cover page with a picture of a Jazz F/O doing a walkaround on an RJ and there is a two page spread entitled..



A few months ago there was an issue of the ALPA magazine - Airline Pilot - that had a cover photo of a pilot and an AC RJ with a caption to indicate it was a Jazz pilot at work. I think that's what it was, I've looked for the issue but it's gone MIA. In any case that picture and the caption didn't agree. I thought this was the magazine you were referring to in this posting. Yesterday I received the new issue and I now see that you were referring to this one. This time the picture IS a Jazz RJ, the caption says it's a Jazz RJ and the accompanying article is about Jazz so I can't figure out what it is you're trying to say. I had thought the point of your posting was to show a cetain carelessness about the magazine but that doesn't seem to fit. Any clarification?

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