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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. As a student T-33 jet pilot and on my first instrument ride under the blind flying hood, I was told by my instructor, immediately after T/O, to climb to 6000 feet and level off at 250 kts... I did as requested but shortly after level-off my instructor told me to watch my altitude. A quick cross check showed me at 6000 feet Again my instructor, in a voice of impatience, told me to watch my altitude. My cross check showed me just a smidge above 6000 feet In frustration my instructor said "I have control" followed by bunting the aircraft and then asking what my altimeter read. I went back to my altimeter and it was still reading, in my opinion, about 50 feet high but suddenly realization set in..... I was so intent on leveling off at 6000 feet that I had inadvertantly mistook the aircraft clock for the altimeter and had leveled off at 6:00 o'clock (1800Z) In the meantime I had done a slow climb to 6700 feet...... according to my instructor. From then on....I really did have an actual cross-check
  2. By the sounds of it , you are pretty lucky to be here
  3. I am not a member of the RETIRED AIRLINE PILOTS OF CANADA but have been asked to contribute stories of my career in both DND, and the airline Industry. Those stories have been published in the PX, a quarterly magazine originating from RAPCAN. My lastest contribution was published this quarter. The episode is entitled FLYING WITH GEORGE. Not going to use bandwidth here, but if interested, PM me and I will shoot you a copy of the article.
  4. I bet those goofballs sitting under the C-130 would leave in a hurry if # 3 engine was started .
  5. Many decades ago before the advent of all the methods of flying of today with the technology aircraft possess, I flew IFR like many other pilots to get from A to B....(back then IFR meant I Fly Railways)
  6. SENT TO THE AUTHOR TODAY............. There is inaccurate content on this page: https://www.blogto.com/travel/2022/11/toronto-airport-fog/ Perhaps you do not fly, or have not flown in this past 20 years…..Pilots DO NOT THREATEN passengers in their ADVISEMENT PA’s they ADVISE the passengers that “plans have changed “ etc. to keep them in the loop about their flight. There are NO STEWARDESSES in the industry any more, THE CABIN CREW are called FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. The title of your article, (Passenger recounts horror and total chaos landing at Toronto airport during heavy fog), is extremely misleading and reeks of author sensationalism to entice readers….All in all, a very bad piece of reporting. DK Powick Retired Air Canada Pilot
  7. Airlines opting for a different kind of First Class seating area https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/first-class-airplane-cabins-high-wall-suites/index.html
  8. Available here... https://www.amazon.ca/Destination-Disaster-Paul-Eddy/dp/0246108835
  9. Well I have never flown under wires but if I was on a Military forum I could relate a story about the time I almost never became a graduated alive pilot..
  10. One of the questions.......if it was an "accident" why would there not be more video leading up to the "accident" ?? Certainly didn't turn on the Go-Pro just prior to pulling the handles. If "clipping the wires" was the actual cause, as stated by many Russian sources, video of the hit would reinforce the published "accident " scenario...IMO
  11. More info here......you would have thought the guy narrating would have done some research https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/10/24/helmet-camera-downed-russian-jet/
  12. The above cartoon was drawn and produced by Flight Attendent Kelly Kincaid and you can see many more, covering all aspects of the airline industry here.. https://www.jetlaggedcomic.com/ Her bio can be viewed here... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVCrwi4LCRx2ZvSdb-hYu04HA0_1G7RG6
  13. Me............Why doesn't all your new aircraft have "side-stick" controls ? Boeing.....NIH Me...........???? Boeing....Not Invented Here
  14. Extremely interesting when you think about the lack of high tech equipment. Some very good brains worked all this out with pencils and probably antiquated slide rules. Thanks for posting.
  15. Retired.....where +/- a week doesn't matter Time always matter to me... but then ...that's only me Retired.....I always book with a Legacy carrier. I want to be "there" at a specific time. Retired.....Discounts ??? I don't care about retired employee discounts or "mini" airlines.....I'm going on well established carrier.. (see PS below) PS...Hopefully Sunwing fits in that catagory as I have 3 weeks of scuba booked down south and flying with them as the major carrier I used to use in Canada has dropped that destination.
  17. Should have added this to my initial post about electric aircraft.. For those that are thinking of...or already have, an Electric Vehicle (EVs) consider this...that they are also suseptible to engine failure ( except no upfliycles on cars...they are already on the ground), and it is considered very prudent NOT to use drive-through car washes as the water pressure is too intense, as is torrential rainfall, and could cause engine failure ... It is reccommended to hand wash a pure EV, (not required for hybrids). Another problem for EVs , (for example the TESLA), is that a battery change can cost between $13,000.00 and $20,000.00 depending on model . No data available for a water damaged engine.
  18. The west coast weather is the overriding factor...The electric motors are enclosed in cases which require AIR cooling and if water gets in the cases the inductive, glygrysole tends to rapidly decay and cause the dysantfrilbater to fail and in turn damage all the upfliycles which then retract on the wings and thus cause the aircraft to descend with no control available to the pilots.
  19. As a passenger out to, and return flight, up at Goose Bay. We flew the VIPs in for the fishing camp and the DHC-3 Otter flew us, the crew, to a different fishing camp. I was taken aback by the extremely low rate of climb, mind you, we were pretty heavily loaded. I was given a refresher course on the Twin Otter after my tour as CO HFX Rescue centre, prior to going on the C-130. The course was at Namao and It was the first time I ever landed on grass when I did one flight with those very big tires on the Twin Otter.
  20. Registration is a AC Boeing 787
  21. I don't think it can be categorized as the most dangerous airport in the world due to SPACE...unless the assessor is basing the designation with reference to the fact that there is little, or almost next to none, SPACE for maneuvering after Take-off and with max load and loss of a motor......it would be almost impossible to recover when one takes off from an airport sitting at 9000+MSL surrounded by high mountains. Loss of directional control during takeoff resulted in the loss of three lives on the ground.....in this case I guess we can say SPACE as the runway is close to aircraft parking but I can name a few airports that have the same situation with respect to parking close to a runway. Video of the last crash at LUKLA
  22. My renewal took 36 days at the height of the Pandemic early in 2021
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