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Gtaa Bans Iata

Guest manwest

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The GTAA is a bunch of power hungry no-bodies that have no business near an airport. If they were anymore useless, they could be transport ministers.

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It really is quite amazing how things have changed at YYZ. As a child my father and/or grandfather would take us kids out to the airport for an afternoon of watching the aircraft. A harmless pastime then, and a harmless pastime NOW! As I got older I often ventured out to the airport on my own, spending hours sitting up on the roof of Terminal 1 dreaming of what it might be like to be the pilot of any given aircraft on the ramp. I'd walk past each airlines ticket counter gathering timetables for what ended up as a nice collection I still have to this day.

The GTAA has single handedly destroyed the opportunity for future generations to experience this childhood excitement. Unless you've got business at the airport, they'd rather people just stay away. What kind of sh*t is that? One of mankinds greatest achievements (flight) and these corporate buttholes could careless.

I bet every morning Louis Turd wakes up with a sh*t eating grin on his face thinking how great a prize (YYZ) the Feds handed them!!


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Guest chiselcharter

The best time to view YYZ is at night. As part of their budgeting efforts every single light is lit. All taxiways, all seldom used runways everything lit up. I'd love to see their electricity bill, or would that be our electricity bill?

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Well said. It's really ridiculous to see that as I drive by on the 401 at 04:30 when almost no one is allowed to takeoff or land anyways. Surely they could switch them off until needed (rarely) during those late night hours between 03:00 and 06:00.

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Guest chiselcharter

You seem to always have the answers MURRAY, why all the lights, isn't that part of 'controlling'...strength 2...strength 5...

I never did get beyond the door of my buddies fridge, maybe the answer is inside under the beer, I should check (when he's not looking of course).

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Actually, I was asking a question this time. You should probably ask a tower guy, though.

I don't profess to have all the answers, but I think that's quite a bit better than those who have none of the answers yet spout off as if they do.

I just get tired of the overuse of words such as 'always' and 'never' with respect to YYZ ops. Truth is, sometimes you get the runway you want, sometimes you don't. Soemtimes all the lights are on, somtimes they're not (Like early this morning). Sometimes you pay your bill, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you rifle through your buddy's personal effects...Well, you see what I'm getting at.

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