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To Mitch

Guest rampieyyz

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Guest rampieyyz

Hey Mitch

Just some advice from someone who has been in a position of liking what they do for a living but not liking anything else about the job. Time for you to step back and reevaluate you priorities. Life is too short to be so dissatisfied with your job. You work to make money. It should not be your life. You have to let go of things you can't control. You work for Air Canada. You will not get anything from them. The pilots kicked & screamed & held their breath & they really got nothing. The IAM went on strike years ago & got nothing. The F/A's went on strike & got nothing. Look at yourself, you've talked to Milton, your on this msg board all the time. NOTHING! You as an individual can not change what is happening!

You have 2 choices as I see it or you are going to hurt yourself.

1-Do your shift at work and when you leave stop all thoughts about A/C. No more msg boards, no more talking to Milton. When your on vacation forget you work at the airport. Your life is your own, no need to be thinking about the airline on your on time! It will keep you sane & you will be happier

2-Find another job. No one is forcing you to stay. You are a skilled professional. Your skills are needed by other people. Find them. A union job is for people who let other people speak for them. You are not that kind of person. Find a small company that will appreciate your talents.

I was a computer programmer. I love working with computers. I worked at 2 different companies, they both sucked. I hated going to work every day. I only did it for 2 years but they still seem longer than the 25 I have put in at Air Canada. It was a big decision to give up that white collar job & become a rampie. But it was the best thing I ever did. It took all the stress out of my life and I found out happy I could be.

You will not change things at A/C. If you want more money from your job why not try and get your taxes lowered. Your going to have the same success with the government as you will with A/C. Stop hitting your head against the wall, it will feel so much better when you stop


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Guest Rob Assaf

Sorry man, on this one I got to agree with Mitch. As far as trying to effect change. If an employee sees a potential problem and tries to head it off, is he not doing the company a favour? Mitch seems to have a "high give a s**t factor". To slightly change a quote from a famous flying movie, "I like that in an AME".

If an employee comes up with an idea that would save his dept several millions of dollars a year but says, screw it I'm not even going to bother taking the time to put it on paper and handing it in. WHO LOSES?

If a manager writes a dumb ass memo that insults his employee group, WHO LOSES?

I do my job to the best of my ability and my management team should be there to BACK ME UP in the execution of whatever task I've been assigned, not be heaving roadblocks in my way to make it harder to to my job.

Manditory overtime is NOT a morale builder. Layoff just happened and by the way, those of you left employed, you now have no life? Nice. The laid of guys are &%$@! the guys still working are "pigging" and the guys still working for whatever % less they "agreed" to now forced to put aside family and friends and an outside life which you advise Mitch to get, yet how is he supposed to when he DOESN'T know that he can even schedule that outside life?

Voluntary overtime? Maybe, during layoffs though, pretty lowclass. But Manditory doesn't fly, if you'll excuse the pun

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Mitch...quick question and no doubt seemingly a stupid one ----"scheduled" overtime. What does that mean? Is the time "blocked" and do you then have to be available to work those days and times if required? In other words, Mon. & Wed. (for eg), you're "blocked" for 2 hours overtime but only work it if actually needed..is that how the system works?

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Upper Deck,

Scheduled overtime, the company will inform you no less than 5 days in advance that you will be working overtime on your regular days off, you can not refuse (without what management considers a valid reason), if you do a letter will be placed upon your file.

I guess my response to the company will be that I have preplanned drinking on that day and can confirm in advance that I will be intoxicated.

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If we all had your ostrich type approach, we would all still e working for minimum wage.

It takes one person to get the ball rolling and others soon jump on the band wagon, it happened here in YYZ in 96 in maintenance with the DOG DAYS, the company imposed a 5x2 shift where no one had weekends off, we fought them and now have a 4X4.

I support Mitch 100% in his efforts, I too have sent e-mails to Milton and have had responses, so much so that he wants to personally hear my ideas and any other my collegues may have.

Only one person can change your environment and that is yourself, if you wish to stick your head in the sand, then be prepared for all of the consequences that come with this action, I choose to stand up to these discriminatory work rules.

It should also be noted, thatt he station attendants are exempt from this mandatory 200 hour time bank, they will be paid for the overtime they work.

For those who are saying that you will be paid after your time bank reaches 200 hours, guess again! Management has already stated thatt hey will be monitoring evryones time bank, and when it reaches around 190 hours you will be forced on mandatory time off of a minimum of 40 hours. Management has stated that we in maintenance will never see overtime pay on our pay cheques ever again.

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Scheduled overtime, the company will inform you no less than 5 days in advance that you will be working overtime on your regular days off, you can not refuse (without what management considers a valid reason), if you do a letter will be placed upon your file.

This is like 'drafting' used to be at CAIL for pilots, except there's a positive paper trail. If crew sched called and you answered the phone, unless you booked off, had a nip of gin within 12 hours of duty, etc., you were going flying.

I always remember the evening (15 years ago)when crew sched called, and my then 5 year old, well trained daughter politely answered the phone, looked at me for guidance, and replied. "Daddy says he's not home..bye" and hung up. They never called back. Regards.


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the big difference hear is that the company will inform you while you are on shift.

Did you receive extra pay for the flights you were drafted for??

Forus in maintenance, all O/T will be placed in a bank for future time off at the companies discretion.

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Which all means that management now would have complete and total control of our time off work. They say when we work and when we don't.

Planning for events like taking your kids to upcomming events, agreeing to coach soccer, letting your wife know which days you'll be available for child care duties, all manner of simple planning that we all need to be able to have a life... All would be impossible under this horrendous scheme!

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HMMM... Well it sounds like Air Canada is becoming more like Nav Canada and vice versa all the time. Controllers have been dealing with mandatory overtime for years; we even had a court injunction against us, ordering that we make ourselves available for overtime.

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Several years ago, Pierre, Crew Sked called a friend of mine to inform them that he was being drafted. He replied that he couldn't be drafted as he had "been drinking." The clever crew scheduler said, "I'm drafting you...for tomorrow." His reply: "I've been drinking...after I finished scuba diving and being a blood donor." Crew sked's response was not documented.

Cheers all,


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Pierre...thanks for the response. You won't remember me but we "quaffed a few" together ---AND split the bill!!

I'd like to ask you an "off-line" question. Do you mind providing your e-mail address?

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OK, so you have my captured my interest. But what is so unusual about splitting the bill?? I'm but a poor captain, and at least 15% poorer at that since June!

Here's my email, but you have to promise to keep it among(st) your thousand closest friends.



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....don't know how it was that I missed this 'til now... Sorry Rob....

Thanks much for that. You're right, I do give a $#!t. Partly because work takes up so much of my life, and partly because I find an honest, genuine, sincere effort rewarding... even if only to give me the slight satisfaction of knowing I tried. ....and I haven't yet learned to quit when things get tough.



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Guest kaytoo

Hi Mitch

Can't seem to post a new message.

lost your email address. Pls send re smokebusters



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SOmetimes the system that is in place is what beats US all down. I designed a tool that would be safe and cost efficient in my little world of deicing. I sent the plans in and after bugging the managers I was told that I had all of the information on this tool and why it was not being regarded. I reponded by saying , Excuse me but no one has said BOO to me about this for the last year and a half! I then received an snot-a-gram from the mtc manager that I had and to basically P!!s off.

So sometimes the systems in place are what really gets us down. By the way the outcome for my deice tool that could save hundreds of thousands of $$$$ ........ its sitting here on the shelf in my den.



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Guest Rob Assaf

"If it's not MY idea it's not a good idea" perhaps? Too bad, it's innovative people on the front lines that can make the difference between winning and losing the war.

Cheers, Rob

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So true:

The people that day in and day out do the same job and look at the same thing all the time can't help but think well I can see a better way of doing that .

It's just when we try to do something about it you get zapped.

Maybe some good will come out of this and the old boys network will finally break down.



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