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For---- Say Altitude

Kip Powick

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((( Yet you are now getting your back up for someone doing the exact same thing to you that you did to me))).

Well here is where we differ….your post, in my opinion, was a bit of a “pot stirrer”. You related a “story” and not a very flattering one, about this unknown ACPA pilot , although you said you just needed to tell the story.

Now if I had posted a “story” about an unknown ATC type who “said” he was out to screw all the pilots he could by handing out long and extensive vectors and how he called in sick and had a deal with a buddy who would get overtime when he called in sick and he would do the same thing for his buddy, then I think we would both be guilty of “pot stirring” even if I ended the post with “I just needed to tell the story”.

My point in “Get A Life” is that I found it rather astounding that adults would stoop to attacking personalities, because they don’t see eye to eye about Pass policy upgrades and it started to get a bit acrimonious…don’t cha think??? I could give a big rats rear what anyone thought of my “report card”, I was just surprised that it started to slide into a quagmire of juvenility. In all honesty I don’t think you can refer to me as “Pot calling Kettle Black” in this case. Call me “amazed” that professionals would lower themselves to trying to one up man ship each other with oblique insults…that was my point .

It was a great 5 days, nice to see son and daughter-in-law and tour the great National Parks in Utah. Enjoy your vacation and don’t go near a computer :)

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Thanks for your explanation and I can see your point of view.

For what it's worth - there never was any intention to stir the pot with my post - it really was "just a story". I guess at my first look at your post - it seemed like a double standard.

I will call you amazed from now on ;).

As for your comment - "Call me “amazed” that professionals would lower themselves to trying to one up man ship each other with oblique insults" - I agree with you 100%. Regardless of a posters intentions, it always seems to end up being a $hit slinging contest.

Thanks for the kind words. No forum for me for 3 weeks!


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How are things going at coppertree.ca these days Kip? Are you getting pretty busy?

Hope you're not too busy to get your dancing shoes all shined up for Saturday night. ;)

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