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I will concede....

Kip Powick

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I will concede that the “header” concerning my initial post about flying “Westjet” was a bit strong and I offer that my only the rationale was that I was severely PO’d when told about WJs policy concerning ONLY this issue. (Charging for sports gear)

Some of you were quick to point out that I should call WJ CCD and assumed that I did not heed your advice because I did not acknowledge the posted suggestions, however I believe I alluded to the fact that I had done that and the answers I received were so far out to lunch that I was trying every avenue, which included my TA , the Travel Company, and once again WJ CCD, to get a reasonable and credible answer.

The fact that the answers from WJ CCD were erroneous, and very imaginative, does not mean that the entire CCD complex is inefficient or uninformed, but in this case no one had the answer. Here are a few of the answers I rec’d from WJCCD when I posed the question with ALL relevant data….date ..time…flight number…tour company etc. ( I made 4 telephone calls , one feedback submission and one last call for a supervisor.)

“The reason you are restricted to 44 lbs on a charter is because we subcontract out baggage handling and that is the maximum weight the baggage handlers will lift.”

“The reason you have to pay for scuba gear and that you are restricted to 44 lbs is because that is the Transport Canada law on charters.”

“WJ does not get the money for extra baggage charges, we merely lease an airplane and crew to the tour company; and any funds from extra baggage goes to the tour company and that is how they make a bit more money. I would suggest you talk to your tour company.”

“Yes, all you are allowed is 44 lbs of checked baggage but you are allowed 10kg of hand luggage that must fit in the metal grid at the gate BUT you are also allowed another piece of hand luggage but it must be a bit smaller but can weigh 10kgs as well. You could get your scuba gear onboard that way.”

Then there is the feedback corner where I left a query.. and the emails commenced.....WJCCD was very quick to respond but unfortunately the young lady that kept replying to my query was really hung up on the posted website WJ baggage rules and kept insisting that I could take 140lbs , (two pieces) but that the 140lbs would have to include my scuba gear. After my 3 answers to her answers I asked her to re-read my initial query very carefully. About an hour later she came back and stated that 44 lbs was the limit on charters but was not sure about sports gear…I gave up.

My last call was to WJ CCD and I insisted that I wanted to speak to a SENIOR SUPERVISOR. Much to the chagrin of the young man who took the call, (he really wanted me to give him my question), I was passed to a young lady, (who shall remain nameless), and this person really had a handle on the issue, understood what I was talking about, and said she would let me know within the next few days what the resolution would be. That is where the issue stands now.

I must say I was slightly surprised by some of the more vitriolic postings by some of the WJ respondents but given their experience and questionable maturity level, their feelings are understandable…. but in my opinion not acceptable for professionals in this industry. I was pleased that many of you could see my POV and understand that this was NOT a bitch and whine posting for the fun of it. I write on this issue only and I believe I am well within my rights to post my personal opinion that WJ CCD is NOT in the loop with regard to their own baggage policy on charters and at present WJ is out of step with the charter industry in Canada. This obviously annoys a couple of WJ employees but that is life. No airline is perfect for every customer so get used to it. I only hope that some of you treat your actual guests with more courtesy and respect that you do to long time, albeit retired, airline employees.

I will post the end result.

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I must say I was slightly surprised by some of the more vitriolic postings by some of the WJ respondents but given their experience and questionable maturity level, their feelings are understandable…. but in my opinion not acceptable for professionals in this industry. I was pleased that many of you could see my POV and understand that this was NOT a bitch and whine posting for the fun of it. I write on this issue only and I believe I am well within my rights to post my personal opinion that WJ CCD is NOT in the loop with regard to their own baggage policy on charters and at present WJ is out of step with the charter industry in Canada. This obviously annoys a couple of WJ employees but that is life. No airline is perfect for every customer so get used to it.

It's kind of like getting George W. Bush to admit a mistake. Maybe that's what some non-Westjetters find so amazing about that corporate culture. Spied on the other airline? "You left the window open and we climbed in and helped ourselves... nothing wrong about that."

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in any company there are such people that you speak of, Kip. Please don't lump them together with the rest of us who try to be positive and help out others in any way we can.

I thank you for pressing the issue with WJCCD and I truely hope you get a clear answer from them in the next few days. If not, I am glad that at least their attention has been drawn to their mish-mash of inaccurate answers and unclear charter baggage/sports gear policies.

Those CCD agents who gave you false information and inaccurate answers, and the rest of the relevant company personel will hopefully be briefed on what the correct answer is. As well, I hope to see changes to to the information posted on the website.

As I said before, without mistakes (own own and those of others) we can not learn and grow.

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It's kind of like getting George W. Bush to admit a mistake. Maybe that's what some non-Westjetters find so amazing about that corporate culture. Spied on the other airline? "You left the window open and we climbed in and helped ourselves... nothing wrong about that."

What does this have to with Kip's post? I was a bit annoyed at some of the responses but so what? Air Canada lost a competition bureau case a few years back but that has nothing to do with this either.

Your sanctimonious attitude is getting a tad thin.

Kip, I sincerely hope you get this cleared up, if nothing else I believe that it should be clearly stated on the website.

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As one of the people who made what could be considered a vitriolic post I would like to respond.

The tone and tenor of your postings was in my opinion, childish, beginning with your bold headline to not fly south on WestJet. You seemed so focussed on your complaint that you seemed to ignore the advice form the people on the board who were trying to help you.

I must say I was slightly surprised by some of the more vitriolic postings by some of the WJ respondents but given their experience and questionable maturity level, their feelings are understandable…. but in my opinion not acceptable for professionals in this industry.

That does not help your credibilty a whole lot. Saying you were suprised but at the same time taking the opportunity to admonish for an "questionable maturity level" when you were throwing an on-line hissy fit?

I hope everything works out for you.

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It's kind of like getting George W. Bush to admit a mistake. Maybe that's what some non-Westjetters find so amazing about that corporate culture. Spied on the other airline? "You left the window open and we climbed in and helped ourselves... nothing wrong about that."

Please continue with your thoughtful and insighful posts. I immensely enjoy the presence you bring to the board.

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Choc... I don't think Kip's credibility is at risk here... nor the issue.

I reckon the right thing for you to do would be to add to the bottom of your "The tone and tenor of your postings was in my opinion, childish, beginning with your bold headline to not fly south on WestJet. You seemed so focussed on your complaint that you seemed to ignore the advice form the people on the board who were trying to help you." comment (which is fair enough), something like:

"Sorry Kip, I didn't realize how and why you were so angry... I read you wrong."

Then He'd probably say something like, "that's ok Choc" and the thing would be done between the two of you... and you wouldn't be seen, even among us airline employees, as any kind of blemish on your employers reputation...

not too late.... ?

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Kip, I hope everything gets sorted out. You never know, your feedback may change the way we do things at WS, for the better! I am glad you spoke to a CCD team leader since they can more easily get things changed if necessary. It is scary to receive so many different replies. I think it highlights the fact that the Charter side of the operations is still very unfamiliar to many people at WS. I have passed on your feedback to the "behind-the-scenes" charter people at WS so they have an understanding of the issue as well. Have a wonderful holiday and hopefully this event won't leave a bitter taste in your mouth.



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