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to terrier

Guest flax

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I've been mulling over your latest posts regarding the evil Americans and their imperialist ways..... in conjunction with your admiration for Juan Chretien and his 'principled' government. Then i opened up the newspaper to read of John Manley's expenditures on his deputy PM's office. In total it cost us $619,000. That is just about 3 times the cost of my house. So i was wondering how you would justify that expense? In light of the fact that recently some members of the CAF were receiving welfare benefits just to make ends meet. Oh yes i'm so glad that this country is also furthuring bilingualism at a cost of $751million a year (in addition to current spending).

Well to be honest i didn't get too upset about it all because it is just another case of squandering money . Yes Jane Stewarts 'missing' $2 billion did come to mind but i've got over that one too. Well i'm at it, the EH101 helicopter debacle just popped into my mind. Thank goodness Sheila Copps was still able to procure the old battleship from Toronto to move to her constituency. A mere $2 million there. Well i'll stop here as this type of spending is both absurd and unrelenting under Juan Chretien's leadership.

Then i turn the page and read about President Bush cancelling his planned visit to Canada. No punches pulled here. Clearly and not with any political sugar coating.... the administration has stated it was due to the Liberal governments wishy washy policies regarding Iraq, the UN and the war. And i quote " the gutless dithering of the Chretien regime in handling Canada's role in the Iraqi war..." (B MacDonald, a Canadian journalist). Then again this isn't new consider the Liberals entire handling of events since 9/11.

So i had to wonder just why the Liberals appear so eager to demonstrate their ineptitude. Then it hit me as i turned yet another page. There is an election in Quebec. And the vast majority of Quebecois oppose George W and the war. Some more of your 'Chretien principle here''. Again i reiterate that Chretien supported the war in Kosovo without a UN resolution , yet now Chretien decrees it impossible to support the war in Iraq because there is no UN resolution. That is one odd 'principle' that you so highly respect from Juan.

Then i pondered the economic consequences of our governments foolishness. I recalled the horror stories from acquaintances wrt border crossings, company sales and dealings with the US, and the general ill-will and betrayal felt by Americans regarding our governments inexplicable policies. Need i remind you that recently our representatives.... one MP and one PMO aid..... have called the Americans &%$@!s and their President as a moron. Not only was this condoned but it many ways it was encouraged by Juan the dictator.

Again i turned the page and read of the latest canps poll taken, that determined that 72% of Canadians now feel that Chretien and his clowns have mishandled things since 9/11 and in particular the latest events surrounding Iraq. You stated that since Chretien had the support of the majority of Canadians(initially), you were obviously in the 'right'. So now you agree you are in the 'wrong' since most Canadians have expressed their displeasure? Oh who am i kidding i expect nothing of the sort from you.

Then i turn another page and see that the federal auditor has determined that Canada's immigration and refugee system has lost track of 36,000 rejected refugees in less that 6 years. And we all know how difficult it is to be rejected as a refugee in Canada. I hope some of these 'lost' individuals end up as your neighbour in the quaint suburb of LiberalTown.

So i began wondering aloud why someone would so vehemently expound upon the virtues of Juan ethe dictator especially considering his obvious deficiencies as a leader and his propensity to promote useless individuals to positions of power.

My colleague then interceded and tried his best to explain in layman's terms the mindset of someone such as yourself. Not knowing anything about you..... he described individuals who support those in power at all costs... in spite of the obvious and in spite of rational thought. Certain individuals feel compelled to align themselves with those in power as a means of self affirmation. "Naturally if i support those in power, be they managers, government, war victors or anyone in a position of authority.... then clearly i am a more intelligent individual than those who may hold contrary points of view." This explains your acceptance of Nazi collaborators. (ok, collaborators may be a bit strong....... let's just say Nazi kiss asses)

This fits you to a tee. But how would that explain your obvious mistrust and resentment towards the USA? And i have to tell you, this colleague was bang on!! ( keep in mind he has no idea about you). He said that when confronted with powerful individuals or organizations that one is not able to feel a part of..... in other words cannot benefit from kissing ass or being a lap-dog (my words here), then these same individuals (YOU) are inclined to undermine and misrepresent the facts. Now... considering your European background, which you feel lends credibility to your opinions for some reason... and the fact that you now live in Canada..... this explains your inferiority complex wrt to the USA and your admiration for the ruling Liberals. So go ahead, shake Juans hand, kiss his ass (the desire which you so clearly expressed). Continue your love-fest with the Liberals because clearly you are predisposed in your viewpoints and no one short of an excellent and patient psychiatrist could ever hope to make you accept reason.

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Hi Flax,
From what I can gather Terrier is a travel agent who is very angry at Air Canada.
It is so sad in these times of trouble that someone kicks you when you are down. (no class). Whether you work for Air Canada, West Jet, Can Jet, Jets Go or in the charter and/or private sector we are all feeling the affects of 9/11 and the aftermath. I have no ill will towards terrier or anyone struggling in this uncertain industry but... one of the best posts I have read towards terrier's negative response to Air Canada and (just about everyone else) is to ignore her/him.
IMO this is a very bitter person who wants to bring arguement and negativity out of our posters.
Just my opinion

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Hi terrier,

I think you've just about got him won over to your point of view. Now you just have to reel him in.



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Guest Flood

"Again i reiterate that Chretien supported the war in Kosovo without a UN resolution , yet now Chretien decrees it impossible to support the war in Iraq because there is no UN resolution."

Not that I particularly support Chrétien and his party, but the foundation of your opinion on our government's decision not to get involved in the present war in Iraq is somewhat irrelevant. The surrounding political climate was quite different for Bosnia.

The intervention in Kosovo was a NATO initiative (of which Canada is one of the 19 member countries) and Canada's 5 political parties voted in favour of this initiative (although the legitimacy of NATO's presence was questioned by many...). Still, needless to say the circumstances are quite different this time.

...and yes, french is part of this country, whether you want it or not.

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Guest terrier

Your opinion. Vote against them next time. That's the democracy we live in. I don't have to share your opinons - that's the democracy we live in.

Funny how those with the "accepted" opinions on this site get to rant on and on ad nauseum but if anyone else posts they are accused of yapping.

This site is a prime example of what democracy isn't.

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"...and yes, french is part of this country, whether you want it or not."

There's the problem. What the rest of Canada wants doesn't matter. If the PQ wins tonight our economy will be further degraded as the separatist agenda is renewed.

We had a referendum and they lost. Why does the PQ get to keep coming back with more of the same crap?

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Guest terrier

You are amazingly stupid aren't you. Amazingly. The point was that "Nazi kiss arses" as you put it were only "kiss arses" overtly. Covertly they were incredibly valuable to the allies in ridding Europe of the Nazis. All while having to live under an occupation where innocent people were often rounded up and shot for no other reason that to set an "example".

I cannot believe that you would be so crass as to write what you did. It shows that you are are completely ignorant in both senses of the word.

I doubt you have ever risked your life for a principle or ideal and all your pro war ranting has not been accompanied by any indication that you would have volunteered to fight had Canada joined the US. You are an armchair warrior. The very worst kind who is happy to send others into battle whilst taking no risk yourself.

I didn't say that as a European I was superior I said that I maybe understood what living under foreign occupation was like from hearing about it from those who experienced it first hand.

Its odd that you should so insult the entire population of Occupied France and Germany while at the same time suggesting the Iraquis are all kissing American arse and that that is a good thing. Very strange logic.

I know one thing - you have no respect for democracy. You think because you don't like Jean Chretien (why would you keep calling him Juan - is that some sort of slur on our hispanic brothers?)then no-one else is allowed to hold a different opinion. Under the current political process Mr. Chretien won a mandate twice. Not everyone CAN therefore share your opinion nor should they have to.

If this is considered yapping well so be it. The way you spout your opinions is more like vomiting.

I don't see any reasoned justification from you as to why the US should have supported Iraq in the past or Osama bin Laden or Pinochet etc etc. Why?

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I disagree with you that only the Nazi kiss arses did it overtly. Why should anyone who opposes a regime feel the need to wave the flag and rejoice in the streets? I have a great deal of respect for those who covertly oppose evil regimes. I'm glad to see you have at least changed your argument, even though you have made false statements regarding mine.

As far as me being an armchair warrior, i happened to have served in the CAF. Have you done likewise? Probably not. Then you suggest i have slandered the "occupied nations of France and Germany". Well slandering France is not only justified and quite easy to do.... I didn't do it (until now) As for Germany, exactly how long were they occupied and by whom? was it the evil Americans again. What exactly are you refering to?

As for me not wishing Quebec to be part of Canada, exactly where does that come from? All i said was that a further $750million a year to promote bilingualism is a total waste of money. I have absolutely no heartache with Quebec protecting their culture and language within Quebec. In fact i support it. But not at a cost to me and certainly it shouldn't be forced upon those living outside Quebec. (yes there are certain examples where it is justified, such as parts of NB and parts of N. Ontario)

And i quote you yet again. (Your own words are the best rebuttal for your points of view) ""Its odd that you should so insult the entire population of Occupied France and Germany while at the same time suggesting the Iraqis are all kissing American arse and that that is a good thing. Very strange logic.""

When exactly did i suggest that the Iraqi's are all kissing American arse. Please reread your posts and mine..... that was your argument. I believe that the majority of Iraqi's are happy that Saddam is gone and for the most part are expressing true gratefulness. You said the opposite. You either simply mistyped that entire para., or you really are dense.

As for calling our fearless leader Juan, i think it is fitting, as Juan is a better name for a dictator than Jean. Besides, its so hilariously accurate that i just can't resist. Why you feel this is a slight against those of hispanic descent is beyond me. To me it has nothing to do with someone of hispanic descent.

Then again, you are a card-carrying Liberal with illusions of greatness because you support the ruling party. It is typical of all Liberals to wave the racist card when confronted with strong argument, rational thought and points of view differing from your own. In fact even Sheila Copps is using that tactic against those who oppose her leadership. Is she not campaigning on the platform that no one in Canada, even Paul Martin has any concern for the plight of minorities in this country. What a joke. For the life of me i have no idea why anyone could support the likes of Sheila Copps or Juan.

Here is another of your quotes ""I don't see any reasoned justification from you as to why the US should have supported Iraq in the past or Osama bin Laden or Pinochet etc etc. Why?""

I never said anything of the kind. Once again it is so typical of someone with the mindset of the average Liberal... to divert the argument and make false and misleading statements. Why don't you save the time typing and just blurt out that i'm some racist, french-hating, American loving idiot. That is usually the end result of most Liberal arguments anyhow.

I will categorically state that i don't agree with many US policies. I am quite capable of admitting that they make mistakes and in some instances have misguided policies. You won't even come so far as to admit that Juan the dictator has made massive and damaging blunders throughout his tenure as PM of this country. The man is holding onto power for some inexplicable reason and we are all going to pay the price. Then again you can probably relate quite well with that mindset as you have clearly demonstrated your psychological predisposition in these matters.

Your statement that you feel "superior" to Americans, says a great deal about you. I don't feel superior to any group of individuals. I may have differing opinions and may feel that... or lets say Jacque Chirac for example... is a hypocrit and a poor leader, but that doesn't mean i feel superior to the French. Simply by stating your superiority to a nation of people lends credence to my argument that you have a massive inferiority complex wrt to the USA.

Keep tooting the Liberal horn... keep living in your distorted world of falsehoods and misrepresentations... afterall, the Liberals are in power.. therefore you must be correct.

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Guest terrier

The Liberals are in power because they won 2 mandates in two Federal elections. When that idiot Mulroney was in power it was for the same reason. I though he was a turd but didn't suggest that because I didn't like him he had no right to be P.M. I just went a voted Liberal (as did enough people to ensure the PCs only got 3 seats!). You will have your chance to change the government if enough of your compatriots agree with you. I suspect they won't and predict another Liberal victory. C'est la vie democratique.

Now we could debate proportional representation but that would have applied to the PCs too. And come to think of it didn't Al Gore win the popular vote?

I cannot understand why you are so supportive of the Americans bringing democracy to Iraq when you have no respect for the institution at all in your own country.

Sorry, but if I outwardly state I feel superior to someone how in god's name do you turn that into an inferiority complex? Let me put it as plainly as even you should be able to understand. I think Canada is head and shoulders above the US in every respect. Now try to construe that as feeling inferior to them. I expect you can. Two short planks are thinner than you.

During which war did you serve in the CAF? How many of the enemy did you shoot down?
Or did we taxpayers just pay for your flight training? After you were shot down over enemy territory did some of the Nazi "collaborators" help you to escape to Switzerland or Spain at the risk of their own lives?

Serving in the CAF peacetime doesn't (in my view) equate to participating in the Battle of Britain for example.

Why do people in occupied countries bite the bullet and knuckle under? a) because otherwise they will be killed B) they can then survive to continue the fight.

Any way, bye for now.

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Guest Wilber

Give me the American system any day. It is far from perfect but at least their Senate and Congress are not beholden to the president for their jobs and represent their constituents not him. He is not required to sign their nomination papers and is elected seperately. That is why you never hear any region in the US yapping about separation.
They all have real representation in their federal government. At least every voter in the US had the opportunity to vote for Bush or Gore, only the voters of Shawinigan had that privilege in Canada.

Better to elect an oppositon MP than one who has no other function than to kiss the ass of someone who was elected by only a hnundred thousand or so voters in one part of the country.

Yes French is part of Canada, but that doesn't go over big with British Columbians when they are told they will get no help financing ESL schooling for all their Asian immigrants, but must help pour hundreds of millions into a language that few there speak. If the federal liberals believe that is good for national unity, it is no wonder they can hardly elect anyone out west.

As a native born Canadian who has spent a good deal of time working in the US and with Americans, the smug sense of superiority demonstrated by many Canadians is enough to make me puke. And we think Americans are arrogant.

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