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Mark Carney. Airline bailouts need green strings attached.


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Carney, now a United Nations adviser on climate finance, said airlines and other heavily polluting industries should be required to set climate change targets in exchange for government support.


The larger, heavy-emitter industries — most of them are under extreme pressure, and most of them will face some form of restructuring,” he said.

The 120 countries that have net-zero greenhouse-gas targets should now require companies to set roadmaps showing how they will get there.

The airline industry in particular is “under tremendous pressure” and now has an opportunity to commit to new climate targets, Carney said


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23 minutes ago, Turbofan said:


Carney, now a United Nations adviser on climate finance, said airlines and other heavily polluting industries should be required to set climate change targets in exchange for government support.


Def. not required, the current lack of government support has resulted in a dramatic cut in emissions from Canadian Airlines and should be credited to their accounts to  cancel out future emission reduction requirements.  Not just the reduced emissions from aircraft, they should also throw in a credit for idle ground equipment and of course reduced vehicle emissions from the thousands of airline staff who are not driving back and forth to work. ?

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I have liked some of what Mr. Carney has done in the past but this is a profile grab at the expense of hundreds of thousands of livelihoods.

I assume that Mr. Carney's next business trip will be by foot.  If not, then stop suggesting extortion as a tool of policy.


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Because Air Canada was so well capitalized going into the pandemic, it takes much longer to make them desperate enough to take a bailout with the kind of strings Mr. Carney suggests should be imposed.

Is that why there has been no industry support in Canada? Do the Liberals want to seize this opportunity to make the industry greener and smaller?

If that is the strategy there will be no aid until capitulation.

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1 hour ago, Kargokings said:

Def. not required, the current lack of government support has resulted in a dramatic cut in emissions from Canadian Airlines and should be credited to their accounts to  cancel out future emission reduction requirements.  Not just the reduced emissions from aircraft, they should also throw in a credit for idle ground equipment and of course reduced vehicle emissions from the thousands of airline staff who are not driving back and forth to work. ?

True but also temporary.  Carney wants to take temporary and squeeze it into permanent changes.

Are the Liberals thinking along the same way?

We have seen over and over again that Trudeau believes our country should lead by example.  Self inflicted pain for the greater good.  Or at least his ideological definition of greater good.

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4 hours ago, Vsplat said:

I have liked some of what Mr. Carney has done in the past but this is a profile grab at the expense of hundreds of thousands of livelihoods.

I fully agree

Maybe he is going to apply to run as a Lieberal in the next Federal Election?  Morneau is gone so he might see a place for himself and we all know that you have to be Green to be a Trudopalite

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