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Kip Powick

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Saw a guy on a bike get smacked by a van turning left. He went from a mean looking guy on a beautiful pile of noisy chrome to a fetal position with a kneecap sticking through his jeans and rib sticking through his t-shirt and a mangled (luckily for him, left) hand. He probably survived but won't walk again without a limp or pain.

I was on my daughter's 650 Ninja.

I jumped off and called 911, a ski patroller on the scene started first aid so when I got off the phone I went to check on the people in the van, who were in shock. They said they never saw the guy (let's face it, if they saw him, they would have waited). Cars turning left just can't see bikes for some reason. I've seen a few close calls just like this one.

Haven't ridden since. It's fun riding, but not worth the risk to me. Safety on a bike depends too much on other people.

My daughter still rides, but is selling her bike next year (thank goodness) by her own decision.

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The left hand turn accident is by far the most common and yes always with the same comment, "I didn't see him". The main reason for this (and pilots should all know this) is that the angle of the bikes approach to the intersection compared to the vehicle creates very little movement of any kind. There is nothing to attract the eye. A car with wide spread headlights does show relative movement as the headlights get further apart in the eyes of the observer. Hence the "I didn't see him" There is little to be done but I, as a rule move as far right in the lane as I can to increase the angle the other vehicle is observing me at. It also helps that when I am on my bike I am almost as big as a Smart Car.

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The onus is for bikers, and pedestrians, to ensure they are seen, even though they have the right of way. Too many people think that, "I have right of way", therefore they will stop. No amount of insurance money can compensate for a disable life.

Stay safe.

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I wish ALL drivers realized that being seen is as important as seeing. I have an issue even in my car. If I am backing out of a parking spot between 2 SUVs and you are approaching and expect me to stop reversing, What makes you think I can see you???? accidents happen like this all the time. If people exercisec common courtesy many accidents would be prevented. Let alone not being in such a damned hurry

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