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How Cool Is That!

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I just heard Pink Floyd being played at the Olympic opening ceremonies! (followed by McCartney live - which is pretty cool too...especially when you consider the first live performance of that song was on a rooftop the boys got kicked off of)

...Really though... Floyd is now so .... accepted? ....they got a beautiful piece from Dark Side in at what was almost the climax of the ceremonies! ....I'm stunned.... and amazed.... and thrilled!

I'm a survivor of the days when even the "in crowd" thought Floyd was just a little too "out there".... , so this is really amazing to see!

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The ceremony was uniquely British, quirky for sure but quite well done. It was interesting that they chose the Floyd track "Eclipse" and that the Olympic rings were shown orbiting above the earth at the climax of the song:

"And everything under the sun is in tune

but the sun is eclipsed by the .....
Olympic rings"

I'm sure the IOC loved it but talk about pretentious! If Danny Boyle had any stones, he would have used "Money" instead, and would have played "Brain Damage" when the athletes' Olympic oath was being read, especially when it mentions doping and drugs. :ninja:

For me there were two highlights. The scene with the Queen and James Bond was great, and good for her for being willing to play along and give a laugh at her own expense. And that amazing cauldron comprised of smaller "petals" that were carried in by each team was very cool. :icon_super:

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I somehow knew you'd be the one to respond here Jeff. ;)

From the POV of an observer of the Olympics I appreciate your critique.... However, from the POV of a guy who was into Floyd from way back before it was "cool" to be a Floyd fan, ...I'm still thrilled to see how respected they've become that their music could feature so prominently on the "world stage"!

Think about it for a second... Could you even imagine such a thing back in the 70's?

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Most of my friends in high school were musicians and we were all hooked on DSOTM, thanks to a "younger" music teacher / band leader who introduced us to it in class. He appreciated the message in the music and we spent a fair bit of time talking about it, to the point that it could have been social sciences class. But because we were all big fans, I never really thought of their music as being "out there" but I see your point Mitch. Our parents certainly didn't appreciate it like we did. I had to wear headphones to listen to it at home.

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...like the Mr. Bean bit too....but the closing ceremony number (Maple Leaf forever) done in Vancouver still sets the mark to beat for self-deprecation national sentiment.

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Watching the Floyd Rehearsing for a concert tour at the hanger in YYZ was and still is the coolestFloyd event I was ever part of

did the concerts but nothing will come close to being able to walk around the hanger and watching the boys prepare

Untill the word got out and to many people were extending their breaks and filling the hanger

I hear the wall in YQB, was pretty special but The Wall was never really my cup of tea,

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The Wall........... all tracks

Dark Side of the Moon......all tracks

The Final Cut ...............favourite tracks...Southhampton Dock........ and ............Two Suns In The Sunset

Delicate Sound of Thunder......favourite track.......Shine On You Crazy Diamond

I have all their CDs...downsizing but did not give those CDs to the kids :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pink Floyd Alumni To Perform ‘Wish You Were Here’ at 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony


Well, sort of. We got drummer Nick Mason with Mike Rutherford (Genesis, Mike and the Mechanics) and a couple of other guys I've never heard of. That said, their rendition of WYWH was pretty decent and the tightrope walker was a nice touch.

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