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Is the TSA up to something new?

Super 80

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Since November 1st I have had a bunch of US departures from major airports and each time I found myself ushered to a security line with only a metal detector and xray while other lines persisted with the patdowns and nudiescans. For the record I look like a proper english football hooligan.

Departing one I found myself amongst a bunch of KLM pax getting the old school treatment and at another in a line of mostly military guys and a handful of Japanese tourists getting the same relaxed screening.

Coincidence or something new? My whiny white liberal tendencies should be uncomfortable with this... but I am not complaining.

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If there is anything to it there will be ten thousand posts on WhinerTalk inside of a week...

They didn't ask me much of anything other than I was asked if I was non-rev when I had a standby boarding pass. But only one of the flights was non-rev.

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