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Minor Problems With This Board

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1) Scratch-Head.gif Often after I have read a post and later I come back to this website, there is an additional post and after clicking on the small icon that "should" take you to the newest post the board directs me to the beginning of the thread...a PITA if the thread is 4 or 5 pages long and yes...I do ensure I have clicked on the tiny icon.

2) Scratch-Head.gif Sometimes the back button on my browser works and sometimes I get IE "can not display the page requested ."

3)Scratch-Head.gif I asked this question of Admin but so far no answer.... Anyone know if there is a way to post photos without having to use a "link" or post them as an attachment.??? I would like to be able to insert the actual photo, not a thumbnail, in the text of a posting.

PC...OS WIN XPPro...SP 3 all updates completed.

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I've found that if you wait a little longer when the desired page loads, it will eventually take you to the first new posting, but I'm running Safari so it may be an IE-related issue.

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3)Scratch-Head.gif I asked this question of Admin but so far no answer.... Anyone know if there is a way to post photos without having to use a "link" or post them as an attachment.??? I would like to be able to insert the actual photo, not a thumbnail, in the text of a posting.

PC...OS WIN XPPro...SP 3 all updates completed.

Kip, not sure if a photo posting something similar to that below is what you had in mind. If so, one way is to use a free photo storage site (flikr, photobucket, etc) that will provide you with a photo specific URL that you can utilize with the 'insert image' icon on the board's toolbar.



ps - I understood your reference to a 'link' to be along the lines of looking like this:



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Kip, not sure if a photo posting something similar to that below is what you had in mind. If so, one way is to use a free photo storage site (flikr, photobucket, etc) that will provide you with a photo specific URL that you can utilize with the 'insert image' icon on the board's toolbar.


ps - I understood your reference to a 'link' to be along the lines of looking like this:



Yeh, thanks..I was looking for a way to download a photo from my computer rather than put my photos on a website. Often I see something that I want to keep so "capture" it using "Printscreen" and save it to my computer as a .jpg.

Later I may feel that it fits a particular post and would like to dump it from my computer to the forum..I know we used to be able to do that on the old forum.

I guess I'll have to open an account on one of those websites.

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Thanks Malcolm but your photo still ends up in the post as a "thumbnail" not the full sized photo.......that's what I would like to see happen and I would like to be able to download a photo from my computer and "insert" it in the text without having to attach it.

Oh well...no big deal...we'll all get by, I'm sure.

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