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OFF Topic.............LCD TV

Kip Powick

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Where do ya live Kip? I just may drop in for a drink

Where some of our troops start their journey down The Hi-way of Heros.....The bar is always open.....when we are home. wink.gif

Let us know what you settle on, Kip. I'm casually looking, if I was to buy today, I'd go for:

I'm still leaning toward the Toshiba 42...I can't go any larger as my viewing distance is pretty much restricted to 8 - 8.5 feet. I have seen the Toshiba at the CFB YTR CANEX, (cheaper on the street), and was very impressed with it.

I know there are some that swear on Plasma but I will be going LCD even though I have seen one LED. I'm not a "gamer" but do like sports on TV and in the winter Scuba 02 and I like a glass of Shiraz and a good movie. wink.gif

The only other possibility would be Samsung but I don't think they make a 42 and when I saw a 40 Samsung beside the 42 Toshiba...well Toshiba won. I'll be going all out and getting a new speaker system, sub woofer, blu-ray player and receiver.

I will make one last foray to the COSTCO in Kingston and see what they have to offer as I had forgotten them as a possible "player" in my quest.

To the one AEF'er who has sent me so much good info and equipment specs..thanks...as promised, when it is up on the wall, I will send photos of the renovations and the "new" TV set-up.

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If it helps at all to have a review from a fella who is still pretty amazed... We've had a 120hz 40" Sony Bravia since last Christmas, and so far it's still as awesome as when we first turned it on. When we looked through the store displays at Future shop and Best Buy and You name it, there was no comparison, in my eyes. The sony picture quality seemed - at that time anyway - to be the absolute best. ...and I've always had good life out of Sony stuff. I've never seen any blur, or jumpiness at all in fast action, high def. sports or movies or races or whatever....

I'd have to see an A/B comparison running the same scenes to know whether some extra coin to go for 240hz was worth spending. That's what made me shell out a couple extra dollars for the 120hz when we bought this one.

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Yes Mitch and at the time that was the best decision as the jump from 60 to 120 was very noticeable I have a harder time seeing the difference from 120 -240. I like the Bravia as well but there are some out there that are even better that you can't find at Best Buy, Future shop or any other chain store. Check out some of the "High end" shops for truly stunning picture quality. However the price is usually Stunning (as in get out the smelling salts to wake you up)

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Samsung gets it flat panels from other manufacturers they do not produce theor own panels nor do most other companies.

Are you sure about Samsung? I was under the impression that the major producers of TV panels were Phillips, Samsung, and Sony with Sharp being a bit smaller but doing their own production in Japan.

Certainly in the computer monitor field Samsung is one of the major producers doing PVA, SPVA and TN type of panels.

Sony and Sharp do not do Plasma. Panasonic, and Samsung do plasma, not sure who else.

The LED specification refers to the type of back light that the panel has not the LCD panel itself.

Non LED have a flourescent (sp) backlight as do most computer monitors however LED backlighting is becoming more common on some monitors. Apple use LED backlighting on some of the laptops. The advantage is a more uniform lighting and a faster stabilization of the display on startup among other claims. (Of course it is not cheap).

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I have disassembled some Samsung displays for other uses and end up with phillips and panasonic displays most of the time. They use codes to denote what panl type is installed but i am not sure what the codes are.

LED panels are used on the new Netbooks in the $300 range so not just related to expensive laptops. Many manufacturers are using ful array LED displays in their newest models (Samsung is one that is advertising)

The flourescent tubes in standard displays are what is responsible for the colour shift on LCD and Plasma displays since the light tubes are on the edge of the display. LED provides more uniform colour and higher contrast ratios.

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I know there are some that swear on Plasma but I will be going LCD even though I have seen one LED.


I can't say I'm in touch with today's bleeding edge, but having bought both plasma and LCD and done a fair bit of comparing, nothing else touches a high end plasma in terms of picture quality. If you decide to give another look at the plasmas be sure to check out the Pioneer products. Last time I went shopping with a friend we were able to distinguish the quality of the Pioneer image from all the rest even at a 40' distance.


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LCD and Plasma keep swapping spots as the leaders in quality as each technology matures.

The real difference between the 2 is one is LIQUID and the other is GAS. The Plasma has the advantage of faster pixel switching than LCD which equates to less Blur but the newer LCDs are just as good.

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I can't say I'm in touch with today's bleeding edge, but having bought both plasma and LCD and done a fair bit of comparing, nothing else touches a high end plasma in terms of picture quality.Pete

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the comments. I think we will all find die-hard LCD and Plasma buyers and the next will be LED wink.gif

The "Admiral" doesn't really care what I buy and, like many, I have done a lot of research and based on my findings I will go LCD.

One never knows, perhaps one or the other will go the way of the Beta tape VCRs...but one has to take a chance smile.gif

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