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Email Crap

Kip Powick

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rec'd this email.....I never sent him one, and wouldn't....sometimes the "Net" sucks mad.gif

Thank you for informing me of your expectations for the upcoming federal budget. Canada`s New Democrats share these priorities with you and are ready to deliver the leadership Canada needs during this unprecedented economic crisis.

From the start, we have made it clear that we do not trust Prime Minister Harper to act on the measures needed to get Canada back on track. It was only a few short weeks ago that he ridiculed the economic measures he now says his government is ready to propose.

We want immediate and bold action that will create jobs, assist those thrown out of work and bolster consumer confidence. This will require targeted spending to revitalise the economy and targeted measures to fix the flaws holding back growth.

We want spending on infrastructure, renewable energy and affordable housing to be among the government`s spending priorities. Our solutions include training workers in order to gain skills required for jobs of the 21st century, investing in new energy projects and public transit, and reforming the employment insurance system.

New Democrats know that when it comes to creating jobs, spending on infrastructure works much better than tax cuts. Every billion spent on infrastructure creates more than 11,000 jobs - double what tax cuts will.

Our primary concern is to protect Canadians and their families. To those facing lay-offs and shutdowns as firms struggle to find funds, we'll keep pressuring the banks to provide credit and guarantee loans when we have to. To those already out of work, we'll continue to push for employment insurance reform, re-training programs, and getting Canadians back to work. To those fearing for the future, we'll work for better child care and affordable education. To those seniors who've seen their pensions and savings decimated, we'll work to protect pensions and increase income supplements. And, to those least fortunate among us, we will work harder to break the cycle of poverty.

Again, thanks for taking the time to register your views. All the best.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)

Leader, Canada's New Democrat

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When he was a councillor in YYZ and all through the election, all I remember hearing from Mr Layton was "I", "I", "I", and sometimes "My".

Lose one election and now it's "we", "we" and "our".

Not sure what it means. Guess he didn't actually write the letter?

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