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Need Help OS XP

Kip Powick

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A buddy is using XP home edition.

Today he discovered that he is missing a few folders of pictures. He has done a search..no luck. If he deleted them but also emptied out the recycle bin is there a way he can get the folders back????

Is there something like getting the computer back the way it was , say a week ago. If that is possible, does he lose everything he did from the date he will go back to..... until now ??

PS...it is not me...I use Win2KPro

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I've used the XP restore function several times with great success. It's very easy. Nt sure if it will get back deleted files though. Hmmm. Let me know if it does.

Windows XP restore


Hope that helps

Google Picassa also works well for finding your photos.

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From Alan Simpson's XP Bible:

"Caution, Remember that after you empty the Recycle Bin, you cannot restore the files."

He goes on to say that the space once occupied by those files is now free for other files.

He goes on with another caution: "Perhaps Microsoft should have a title option about emptying the Recycle Bin as an extra reminder that it really does blast the files out of existence"

I am not sure that a System restore recovers data files.

However, I know with Compact flash cards you can delete files or Format the card and as long as they are not overwritten the data can still be retrieved.

It may be that they are not completely obliterated and perhaps they are still on disk and not overwritten. However it may take a data recovery facility to get them back which will not be cheap. My son-in-law found this out the hard way when he lost some vital files which were not backed up.

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I have no first-hand knowledge of these programs, but here you go. The first one is free and the others will need to be purchased to be used.

And in the future, he should purchase and install Norton's "Go Back" to save himself some headaches if this happens again. Works wonders.





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Regrettably, he had no luck...however he did admit that he is not that conversant with his computer. I suggested he find a friend/neighbour or out of work IT guy wandering the street and ask for help.

I think he may have "deleted " the photos and then emptied the "Recyle Bin".

Thanks for the info

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Response from another forum I hang out in:

No, by emptying Recycle bin, files are not erased. They are only marked (in disk FAT area), that the space those file have been occupied is free for further use.

That is, files can be recovered if their content has not been overwritten yet. That means: if you've hit empty Bin, and you have "file recovery tool" allready installed, then you have good chances to get those files back.

But, if you have a lot of "traffic" on you disk (downloading, installing, etc.) then the chances are small (sometimes you can recover only a part of the file).


I thought that the files are not actually erased but could not find any confirmation. That is one of the reasons why you should do multiple overwrites or use some "Data Shredder" software if you are getting rid of a hard drive with info on it that you want to remain private. If, as the poster says he has not overwritten the files they should be recoverable but I am not sure what level of expertise or cost will be involved. Something like a memory card for a camera is straightforward. There are various programs, some free and Sandisk has one on their website. Works even if the card is formatted.

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