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Pardon Moi ?

Kip Powick

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Guys/gals... I was asked to take an underwater photo of a young lady during her first scuba dive. I did so and the photo turned out to be a beauty and she would like me to email her a copy.user posted image

I title all my photos but this one is for a fair young maiden that speaks little English and beaucoup French.

Could someone translate this English line into French for me??user posted image

"My first scuba dive"

Thanks for your help.

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Thank you both...regrettably the picture will not be posted as I don't think it would be fair to the young lady to do so without her permissionuser posted image

I will say that "new" divers do not normally have their own gear and to keep their costs to a minimum, they usually don't rent a wet-suit as the water is quite warm. Like any "newbee" they take everything at face value and I guess her instructor told her to wear her BCD, (Buoyancy Compansator Device), fairly tight...which she did.....but she should have worn a Medium vice a Small..... cause parts of her anantomy were "almost" floating on their own user posted image

A great sport and sometimes you see things ....other than fish and coraluser posted image

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Kip, if you want a very rough translation of a chunk of text you can always try a neat little translation web page... http://babelfish.altavista.com/ ... the results tend to be a bit mixed but usually you can get your point across. Tons of languages available too.

For "My first scuba dive" it came up with "Mon premier piqué de scaphandre"... anybody want to validate this?



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Guest rattler
For "My first scuba dive" it came up with "Mon premier piqué de scaphandre"... anybody want to validate this?



And here I always thought the French for S.C.U.B.A. was "Cousteau"

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