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For Don Hudson....

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Hi Don...

I drove a 320 to the gate around 0400 this morning, and when I shut down, the little printer gizmo started belching out paper.... It had all sorts of things on it that led me to believe the bugger was sending notes, telling all about how I'd just handled her????

Listen here... if little baby BUS is gonna call home and tell Mommy every time I tickle her start switches, I'm gonna start getting nervous.... ph34r.gif It was a new thing for me... Not just the usual PFR stuff.... Do you know anything about that?

Cheers, smile.gif

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Just reviewing my own rules of conduct here... It's been a little while since I've needed to know these:

"1. - Never post while drunk

2. - When you ignore 1. above, never post your apology while still drunk.

3. - When you ignore 2. above, don't read any of it 'til the next time you're drunk... that way it might not look so bad. biggrin.gif

4. - Dont worry, be happy. - Oops, sorry, that's a guideline for something else. wink.gif

5. - When all else fails, if you always try to be honest, you won't hate yourself too badly while you're trying to crawl under the nearest rock.

6. - There'll be no maltreating the Abb... Oops, wrong rules again."

Oh well... 5 out of 6 ain't too bad. tongue.gif

Don, you'll let me know if I need to review rule 2 again won't you?... not sure if any of that comes across as being offensive? .... I hope not... ph34r.gif

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Mitch, I forget exactly where it is (would need to have the ACARs in front of me) but there is a prompt you can select to disable (most) post-flight reporting.

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Know anything about that? But of course.. ph34r.gifph34r.gif .... Mitch....FDA monitors all maintenance taxiing, every switch position, weight in the left seat, speed, turning rates, whether you had sufficient rest, credits yer log book with taxi time and records what yer plans were for the rest of the day and sends out for pizza!!! ........... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

PFR can be turned off using the ACARS FUNCTION > PRINT FUNCTION > [next page] LSK (line select key) #3 to turn "YES" to "NO" for the PFR.

It works slightly differently on the 340/330.

I've broken rules 1 through 4 including the one about posting after midnight. Since I grew up I don't break the rules so often. However, its much like the Peanuts cartoon where Lucy is staying after school to write on the board,

"I will not talk out in class."

"I will not talk out in class."

"I will not talk out in class."

"I will not talk out in class."

"I will not talk out in class.", and she pauses and then writes,

"On the other hand, who knows what I'll do"

Happy Canada Day and Happy NASCAR day, Mitch



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