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Someones Kids??

Kip Powick

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Based on some of the comments I have read lately on this forum, it is suggested that some of you are leaving your computers “ open” to your children, some of whom must be totally enthralled to see their own juvenile attempt at cutting wit and caustic comment emblazoned on AEF.

Please advise your child that is very easy to spot those that work in the industry, or at least have a relevant connection to aviation in Canada, from those that think meaningful dialogue incorporates infantile babble concerning a subject about which they know little, or possibly nothing.


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Kip... I dunno if this is a part of what you're thinking about, but a couple days ago, my 12 yr old daughter popped in here, using her own computer, and her own email address, and posted something in support of her dad, using the name "daughter of a mechanic" (or something like that?)... She was instantly asked (nicely) not to do that again... (and I thanked her for the effort and the kind thoughts)

She won't do it again and I apologize if that contributed to your concern.

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Nope, It was not your daughter Mitch, in fact I thought your daughter’s comments were enlightening and appropriate considering the conversations at that time. Nothing wrong with adding comments about what you feel in your heart.

My point is/was that if one reads a few of the comments posted lately one comes to the conclusion that there are some very juvenile minds out there, much , much younger………… than a 12 year old employees daughter who wants the world to know how she feels about the whole mess…and how it affects her family.

It’s a free country and all that, but I just would expect more from the supposed aviation professionals who frequent this forum…licensed, or otherwise.

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That was your daughter? LOL... I should have known. She wrote a pretty good piece for a 12 year old.

I thought about that post the other night when my 18 year old daughter called. She was really upset because her accounting teacher went on a rant in class about how he hopes Air Canada liquidates, blah blah blah... I thought it was a pretty unusual thing to be teaching to a class of travel and tourism students most of whom are hoping to be flight attendants some day.

I also thought it was pretty bloody ignorant, and insensitive, that it never occured to him that most those people who would be out of work if Air Canada liquidates have families, and some of those family members might be sitting in his classroom. (Shawna wasn't even the only Air Canada offspring in the room.)

I wish people would think before they opened their mouths, about how spewing this kind of rhetoric affects the people who are involved in this stressful situation.

Anyway, I don't think Kip's post was directed at your daughter. I think it was more his way of telling some of the big kids posting here to grow up.

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Do you think the "Quality" of the comments expressed lately could have anything to do with the increased stress level right now???

I've written numerous responses which I never posted as I would like to believe that most of the comments are simply venting and stress relief, and it's far better to vent your frustrations on an Anon forum then it is to make those that are close to you miserable ;)


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I wish she had, and believe me, she's fully capable of it, but it was the last class before exams, she is doing extremely well in the subject and didn't want to jeopardize that.

Growing up in a household that was half Canadian and half Air Canada has taught her a level of diplomacy, especially in the last few years, that most people will never achieve. ;)

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