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Round and Round

Kip Powick

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From the outside looking in I can tell you that the vast majority of you are just talking in circles….big old circles…and there seems to be very few that really understand that you are all going to take a “ big hit” if AC is going to make it. Why do so many think a White Knight is going to ride to the rescue and all will be like it was…the status quo will be maintained, this is just a little bump in the road etc.?…. Reality Check time.

Looks good on ACPA to step up to the plate but I would imagine there are many that feel the “pylits should give more…they make more than anyone”. Well that is a fact,( except for some of the RJ F/Os) but you know, it doesn’t matter how much you make, it hurts when you loose some of your income BUT it is going to happen to all so best stop the finger pointing, name calling, blame game, or whatever you call it and get on with the job.

I honestly can’t believe what I have read about book-offs, work to rule, etc. on this forum. If there are any AC pilots who want to read a real SAACFU go to the EZ Board and read about the gate agent in YUL last night. I guess I wouldn’t last long as a HR person cause that individual would be out, in the snow, polishing wheel nuts today.

Sorry, but it is my ex-mil background that makes me so damned thankful we never had Unions. Yes, I know they have a purpose yada, yada, yada, but if one tried to run a Military Op like the some of the employees are trying to run, (ruin?) AC, we wouldn’t ever get an aircraft airborne….so sad.

Please ….if nothing else…prove to Jacques K. that he is wrong :>

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Very well stated Kip. We are all going to have to take a hit to keep this airline in the air. I am also totally disgusted when I hear about the book-offs but some people see nothing wrong in this. This is a sad statement for our society indeed.

I really do hope that common sense does prevail and people think with their heads and not their hearts and least of all just don't go the way the union heads are saying.

Lastly.... I too want to prove JK wrong.

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Guest givemeabreak

Well said. I posted something similar below, see "RANT". Not many responses, but I did not expect much as the it is so easy to point fingers at someone else, instead of stopping and looking at ones self first.

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Enjoyed reading your post Kip.

You know something, this rally at AC HQ in YUL on Wednesday does not have to be about getting Li back. We can cease this opportunity to send a clear message to Milton and all Union Leaders: "Get together now and hammer out a comprehensive game plan securing our future" - a plan all can agree to. You have until April 15th to work this out. We owe to ourselves and our respective families to get this message out!! Who knows, we might get some potential investor interested as a result - it'll cost us more than what Mr. Li wanted - but less than unemployment!!

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Guest Skirt

Here's a start AI. We go to our pre CCAA pay levels and ALL take a 20% pay hit for at least 4 years. We can also agree to profit sharing and do our best to make sure those PS cheques make up the 20% difference!

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Good post Kip.

"prove to Jacques K. that he is wrong "

A' flippin' MEN to that! The guy says he's neutral... would like to see AC survive... then appears on TV saying he thinks we're gonners, apparently not even considering that his stated views just might have some part in helping that result along... only I don't think he wasn't considering it at all! I think he was being somewhat less than honest when he said he hopes we survive.

For that, I look forward to proving him wrong and more so to the day when no one calls him an "airline analyst" again.

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lol... Now THAT would have messed me up!

Now that I've nailed you for that little typo, I'm sure I'll be caught messin' up with a your for you're, or to for too, or there for their, or some such mistake... Some of them are soooooo commonly done I wonder if the authors even know what's correct. Loose for lose is one of the more common ones...

but I new you new, you no? ;)

Now... where were we?... Oh ya, in the middle of (near the end of?)CCAA fighting for our survival... How could I forget... :o

Geez, remember when things like seniority and purple paint were our biggest worries?


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