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Good news and bad news?

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Well... depending who you are, and I suppose what gets used, the good news might be that I don't believe I said anything that could hurt Air Canada... the bad news is, the TV camera that just left my place is headed to Jacques Kavafian's place right now.

...meanwhile I'm thinking the worst news might be that they might actually use anything from that interview with ugly old me! :o

Why'd I agree to it you might ask?... Because I'm happy to show whoever might be watching that Air Canada is not simply filled with folks who believe we're entitled to our jobs, and some of us are indeed willing to speak out in opposition to our union leaders who would have us all believe it's all a game of "chicken"... I'm willing to do what's needed to keep this company flying, and I know of a great many others who are as well... I can stand the thought of losing a game of chicken if winning it will cost me my job. As I said... I can't afford the stakes. I just want to keep fixing airplanes and feeding my family, and I have no reason on earth to trust the likes of Dave Ritchie to help me maintain that ability.

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They could take anything you said and edit it down to say the exact opposite of what you intended - all depends on the reporter's agenda. Did they happen to mention when the item may air?


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sorry, ...eastern time.

I dunno what I did to make anybody want to hear what I have to say, but I just did my best to tell it as I see it... I know my words can be bent, but I don't think I gave them anything that could be twisted so much as to not allow the thrust of my thoughts to come through... I want to be able to have a say in whether or not this airline continues to fly! I don't want detached union leaders selling my job off to protect the DB pensions of their members in other industries.

I do indeed believe this issue is big enough that union leaders need to step aside and let the members vote. I don't know of many strikes that happen without a vote, and this would certainly seem to include a distinct possibility of a result much more permanent than a strike... why on earth we should be without the ability to express our wishes now is beyond me!

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What i can't understand is that we have no choice but to sit back.If it was the company we could strike,walk off,work to rule etc etc.,not that i'm for that kinda thing :-) but what can you use against your so called union.Anybody know????

How about if we all told the company to longer divert our union dues to our union but to a charity,like dreams take flight.

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Guest Daughter Of A Mechanic

Well I'm the link at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to this matter... I'm un-educated about it, and its not like anyone's doing their part to explain what the heck's going on... But what I do know is I'm also affected by this so i should have the right for my little weakly voice to peep up...

My father is an aircraft mechanic, he has always been an aircraft mechanic (as long as I've been around that is)... This is what he lives for... He loves what he does, the good parts and the bad... he's about as dedicated to it as you could get...

I KNOW THERE'S MANY MORE OUT THERE WHO LOVE THEIR JOB and care so what I'm struggling with is why the I.A.M refuses to let them have a say in what happens TO the job they love and care about... Are the big shots afraid of the little guys at the bottom of the food chain... If so why don't the little guys have the power to rise up and squash the Big shots standing there with their tail between their legs... I SAY, HEY! THERE'S FREEDOM OF SPEECH ITS OUR RIGHT AS CANADIANS... SO YOU ALL SHOULD BE ABLE TO VOTE!!!

~Just the little bottom link... Daughter Of A Mechanic.

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Guest wingjockey

You can do something. Fax a request to the Canada Industrial Relations Board with your union number and request an intervention under subsection 37 of the act. fax #613-995-9493 and send a copy to Tony Valeri Transport Minister and Claudette Bradshaw Labour Minister and your member. If enough members do this it could make a difference.

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