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Baggage (again)

Kip Powick

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Does anyone know the reason why, when a commercial carrier is tasked to do a charter flight, particularily if going "south", the baggage allowance drops from the airlines normal allowance to a "charter standard" of 20kgs per person?

There is quite a wide varience of baggage allowance with different airlines but it would seem that when they "charter" the allowance drops to 20kgs(total) per person.

The reason for asking is that I can understand that 20kg may be suitable for a week or two...... but.......there are some tour companies that offer a 28 night stay at some resorts but the baggage allowance is still 20kgs per person. Seems a tad low for a stay of that length.

Just curious....

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Usually on these charter flights the aircraft is chartered by one tour operator, lets say Transat Holidays as an example, Transat Holidays then sell part of the seating allotment to Signature Vacations and World of Vacations. If you were flying on a Transat charter on Transat metal they have their own baggage allowance, if the passenger is over this allowance they are charged usually $5.00 per kg over, sometimes on these charters a lot of people will take goods back to the old country to give to their family. With these charter fares being *good value* or lower than a fare on a scheduled carrier, the charter airlines makes a few dollars more on the passenger, (nothing wrong with that).

If the Tour operator normally has a baggage allowance when it uses its own metal say Air Transat, then when it charters say a WestJet aircraft it has a consistant baggage allowance per pax. I think they do this as sometimes you can be booked to say PVR using an Air Transat plane, then at the end of the program they switch to a WestJet plane for the last few departures or for the summer season. This way their (Tour operator) has a consistant baggage policy no matter what airline they use.

Hope you can understand this rambling.

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Guest long keel
Could it be that they know that people cannot survive a trip with that luggage allowance, and at $ per kilo, it is a good boost to the bottom line?

Iceman wink.gif


I think it is nothing other than bate and switch marketing. The average consumer doesn't read the fine print, and will pay at the airport rather than risk losing a vacation package over an extra 50 bucks.

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Have we not beaten this topic to death???????????????

Next time you book a trip on xyz charter company ask them the weight allowance question......if you dont like the answer they give then book with another charter company or just book on a regular scheduled airline.

But really this is getting a little tiring.

Best wishes this holiday season to all.


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Guest rattler

Charter carriers are no different than those flying a reg. sked. All must file their tariffs with the CTA and then must abide to their filing. Re baggage limits, some sked carriers also place limits based on weight rather than pce. It is their option based on how they want to do business.

CTA Charter Tariff

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MANWEST..........thanks for the reply and I understand what you are saying. I can see the reason for consistent baggage weights when aircraft are switched or wet leased but I guess the problem I have is that the Vacation Tour companies have set a very unrealistic weight allowance, (and here I am referring to Southern vacations, not going back to the "old country"). All the best for 2005

deicer/long keel.....I never thought of that angle but you are correct. I have seen PO'd pax paying out their money rather than miss the flight and most were under the impression the weight limit was the same as on Domestic flights.Happy Holidays

SkyBlazer...........Have a safe Holiday Season

Rattler....Thanks for the link, I 'll wade through it while I wait for Santa biggrin.gif Have a nice Christmas.

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How much can a few bikinis and speedos weigh? And if you are going to the place where cp fa is going you only need half of the bikini! wink.gif

I know, I know.......there are some people who want to take all their scuba gear, photographic gear, golf clubs etc........maybe these folks should pay a bit extra??? (tongue in cheek).

Merry Xmas to all.

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I can't answer the specifics as to why a sched carrier would adopt the typical charter baggage limits. I do believe that manwest's reply is a good reason for it. As to the broader question of charter carrier baggage limits, one must consider the way that charter airlines typically operate. Aircraft with high density seating which are often stretched to the outer limits of their range capabilities, make the limit of 20 kgs a necessity. Otherwise, alot of bags would be getting bumped, or alot more tech stops would be required.

Since most passengers on a typical charter flight will not be going for a 3 or 4 week package, the few who are can usually be accommodated with their heavier bags. I do agree that there should be some consideration for those folks on longer stays, but since it's the tour operator who makes the booking, but the airline who checks in the bags, there would need to be a link set up to have the larger bags allowed without the additional charge.


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Aircraft with high density seating which are often stretched to the outer limits of their range capabilities, make the limit of 20 kgs a necessity. Otherwise, alot of bags would be getting bumped, or alot more tech stops would be required.

I sorta agree with you on that point Jeff but I don't think YYZ to Cuba is stretching the limitation for an A320 or a B737-700. I understand that they may not want to take fuel on at one of these southern places but I think the limitation is very restrictive, bordering on unreasonable, especially when the same company will fly YYZ to MIA and use regular baggage weights...in the same configed aircraft.

Anyhow, food for thought, I have not had any problems and so far all charters have allowed the scuba gear with no additional charges but I do feel for people who are a couple of kgs over the 20kg limit and have to pay if they want to go on their pre-paid, non refundable, vacation.

Have a great Holiday Season and perhaps we'll see you in 2005 as we head south in the New Year.

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Most of the time the CSA will write a heavy tag that says 20 kg for both your bags even if your bag is say 25kg or even 30 kg because they do not want to do the extra paper work and they do not want you to get mad and they just want to keep the line moving. So this money grab thing is bull but if you have bags which I have seen are 35 to 50 kg each thats crazy and the poor ramp guys come on and most of the time they don't want to charge you for it because who gets the money it's not like there is a pile of money at the end of the day for all the people who had to lift all these heavy bags so nobody wins but the airline. That's my output on heavy bags the money should go for free massages for everybody that has to lift the heavey bags. dry.gif

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