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Bloody cops... go figure?

Mitch Cronin

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I drove a cab for a while in the big smoke... I used to see the local boys in blue do all kinds of things... I once even saw a pair go through a red light, momentarily flashing their cherries, for my benefit no doubt, only to watch them pull into the Timmy's just down the road.

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You know... I considered doing something of that sort... But I figured I'd pay for it in spades, since I drive a car that's rather unique and identifiable.

Other than the game with their momentary light show, I wouldn't object to anything they did, if not for the fact that they'd never let me get away with doing so myself. The posted limit is 100. I've been nailed for as low as 13 km over the limit at times.

The thing that irked me the most.... I know that same car, maybe even those same cops have nabbed me before. I remember one Durham Region cop yelling at me (he hadn't managed to get a lock on his radar 'cause I braked too fast for him, so he was mad he couldn't nail me) to slow down.. and I knew... I absolutely knew that if I'd pulled a u-ie to follow him afterward, he would have been travelling at least as fast as I'd been going. They always do!

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Didn't you say something above about "paying attention to detail"? He did not say the police were "enforcing the law". He said that the police were breaking the law...traveling in excess of the posted speed without their emergency lights activated. You might have been of more assistance by assuring him that so long as he was not "following too closely", they couldn't have ticketed him because you cannot testify to the speed of a following vehicle.

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"Didn't you say something above about "paying attention to detail"?"

Yes I did!

"He did not say the police were "enforcing the law". He said that the police were breaking the law...traveling in excess of the posted speed without their emergency lights activated."

There is no such law that states that the police "must" have emergency lights activated when moving above the speed limit! I think for example that it would be pretty tough to pace a speeder with the lights activated!

"You might have been of more assistance by assuring him that so long as he was not "following too closely", they couldn't have ticketed him because you cannot testify to the speed of a following vehicle."

Says who?

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"Police vehicles, as well as Fire and Ambulance vehicles are required to obey all requirements of the Highway Traffic Act-including the speed limit- unless following the Act would impede the assignment they are currently dispatched to."


"Also, they are required when "breaking the law" to give full audible and visual warning of their position and intent, unless (once again) use of lights and siren would impede the current dispatch."


"In other words, if he chooses to drive fast, he must use lights and siren AND write a report as to why."

Where is this stated?

"In all such cases, a report must be filed stating why it was required to violate the Act. A review is then given and assesment of proper use of judgement made."

As above?

"All that being said ----Ya Right. I'm willing to bet those get written all the time. My personal favorite is being passed at 130KPH just before the officer pulls into a Wendy's/Esso/Tim Horton's."

I'm not suggesting that the cops don't on occassion operate in ways contrary to the "Act" without proper justification. However and with all due respect to Mitch, he observed a police car moving at a speed higher than was posted. Beyond that observation there is no "fact" one way or another to support the contention that the cops were abusing their authority.

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"I remember one Durham Region cop yelling at me (he hadn't managed to get a lock on his radar 'cause I braked too fast for him, so he was mad he couldn't nail me)"

A radar "lock" is not required. If the cop had seen you (through the radar speed display) as being a speeder he can write the ticket based on his observation regardless.

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Hmmm?... that's not what others have told me... But I guess if that's so, that particular cop was mad because his radar wasn't turned on then... He certainly knew I was tripping along pretty good.

I'm not sure you're right either... I sat with a cop once, while he wrote me a ticket, as we watched his radar unit, several times beep as a high number would rapidly scroll down while someone was on the brakes... I think that was where I first learned the notion of the machine having to lock in a speed by getting the same result from it's "ping" twice....???

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Guest Whizbang

Hi Mitch,

Many moons ago I was an O.P.P. Officer. It is simply a 'courtesy' to show you your "locked-in" speed (or it was 25 years ago). The fact is that the Officer will be providing 'Expert Testimony' to your speed as observed on the radar based on his training to use said equipment.

BTW, speed is the only thing an Officer can ignore in the pursuit of his lawful duties. For example, ignoring stop signs/red lights are not provided for in the provisions of the applicable Acts and the Officer and/or Department will be liable in the event of injury to the public. In your specific case, the guys were going for a coffee and had no right in speeding.

It's a perk of the job as there are perks in any job....I'm a cop, I can speed....Can you think of any perks that you get that the public on a whole doesn't??????

BTW...the quick 'Light Flash' was a "back-off" advisory....they knew what you were doing but they also knew they would win...

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Guest queenscowboy

Hmmmmmmmmm, your position leaves me speechless. You are upset because you did not get a ticket!!!! As a pilot that did make the cut and became a police officer (despite having a University degree and graduating from grade 13), I am, in certain situations allowed to circumvent the Motor Vehicle Act. For example in the execution of duty I'm legally justified in not wearing a seat belt. Although I do write a lot of reports, I have never written a report to justify speeding or going thru a red light. The key here is execution of duty. The latitude in "execution of duty" can mean a extremely wide range of situations. Why not be glad the officer did not give you the "coupon", I sure would have!

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Who hasn't wanted to follow a cop driving fast just to see what would happen? A friend of mine tried it, coincidentally also with Durham regional. The cop passed him doing 140 so he figured what the hell and tucked in behind him. After a couple minutes the cops light came on and he slowed to pull my friend over. He came up the the car and said, "umm, what do you think you're doing?". My friend said something like, "well you were doing it so I figured..."

The cop read him the riot act. Told him he had no idea what the cruiser might be doing, that police officers were trained in high speed driving, etc. etc., and proceeded to write him a big ticket.

I think the bottom line is, cops speeding for no reason is probably an abuse of privelege but the privelege doesn't extend to the rest of us whether we like it or not.

Just don't be retarded enough to do it while you're following a cruiser would be my thought.


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Bull!!! As usual, you're reading into the intial post only what you want to in order to support the side to which you owe affiliation. Mitch indicated a pattern of conduct which was inconsistent with an emergency and an appropriate response to same. Ipso facto....excessive speed by the police cruiser operator was unjustified and hence unlawful. Anymore questions???

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I hear you... I knew they'd win too, so I did back off...

Thanks for the insight. I wouldn't have any problem with them taking advantage of such a perk, if they'd only think a wee bit about what it is that makes them feel entitled to do so, as they're considering whether to write me a ticket or not....

Some of us just aren't the lowest common denominator. Some of us prove it to them when we're waiting at the trunk of our cars as they approach after swinging around to chase, or when we get from lot's to nothing and pull over in front of them, without them even having to move their car... If we're not doping along, completely oblivious to our surroundings, and can quite obviously handle our automobiles, you'd think that once in a while, they might just let us go....

But I guess I shouldn't complain too loud... I do get away with quite a bit for knowing where they hide... and watching very carefully.


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I think maybe your friend tucked in a bit too close.

Besides, whether it's "perks" of the job, as suggested elsewhere, or it's a hurry to get home to the wife... or whatever, they oughta consider that they set the example!

If it's official they oughta have the cherries flashing....

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Mitch, they probably should have the lights flashing, I agree. I tend to take a more practical, less outraged view of this type of thing though. It is the way it is, we won't change it, I don't want a ticket, so I won't be testing any systems or theories by speeding in the presence of a police car...at least not intentionally!

Know what I mean?


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Maybe the cop used to play poker too...

Mitch, I bet if you could get your rant published in the Star it might evoke some reaction similar to that which you got here.

You should write to them. It's an interesting issue.

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