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A SkyService Christmas party with AC loot

Mitch Cronin

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A guy I work with told us last night of a great Christmas party he'd attended, as his wife works for Skyservice... All employees invited...Free booze and a lot of give-aways... According to him, the greatest sponsor of the gifts was Air Canada! Garment bags, brief cases, clothing, ball caps, etc... even trips (but he wasn't sure who they were from)

...meanwhile, at least here in the big smoke, I haven't heard of a single Christmas party for AC employees... mush less any of our own loot being given away to our own employees!

Wait-a-go Robert (and gang). You sure know all about rubbing salt in wounds don't you!

Anyway, I hope the Sky employees appreciate working for a decent employer. Ours sucks.

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I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I recall seeing an email from someone in authority at AC (could've been the janitor) that the organizing committees of the various christmas parties were not allowed to contact our suppliers or other airlines to solicit give aways. Seems like we don't have an issue with doing this for others though. Go figure.

I know that our party is on the verge of being cancelled because we can't muster enough participation to meet the numbers that are needed for the venue. Morale is just that crappy right now.

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You know, it seems just freakin' amazing to me that what they wanted out of us was productivity gains, and every single move they've made since declaring that, has served to destroy productivity (in maintenance at least).

I think you could take a bunch of goofs off the street, who know nothing of this business, and they'd do a better job of improving the product. It's absolutely amazing the lunacy that goes on here...

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Lets hope Cerberus is the choice.We have a better chance of getting rid of Milton and the rest of the idiots.Unless they plan on running Air Canada with just management cause the employees sure don't care if Air Canada survives as long as Milton doesn't get his $20 million.

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I don't agree with that. I want to see AC survive. I'd love to see Milton kiss the tarmac on his way out the door, 'cause I think he a completey useless CEO, but I do want the company to carry on... It's a Canadian aviation icon that deserves to be much better than it is, and the employees are bloody troopers! All of us have been through some of the worst crap employees should never have to go though, and still, we want to make it work. We deserve better too!

If keeping Milton is the price we have to pay for success, I'm all for it, even if he gets filthy stinking rich... But if we go down, I think we should all join in a class action law suit to take every penny he has, just to make damned sure he goes down just as far with us. ( I know, I'm probably dreaming in technicolour, but it's a nice dream ;))

I reckon if I screwed up in my job, as much as he has in his, I'd probably be thrown in jail for gross negligence causing mass death.

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Guest The Gapper

Hey Mitch, maybe AC threw in the treats with the maintenance contract Skyservice signed. Skyservice is a third party customer for AC maintenence.

Just a different perspective

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That may be exactly the case Mr. Gapper... But it's still pretty sad to sit on this side of the fence, with not a whiff of Christmas merriment (personally, my request to have Christmas off to be with my kids was denied), and watching that kind of stuff go down.

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I'd sure rather have the free C1 passes that Milton gave us last year than a party with free booze. I could be wrong, but I don’t recall you saying thanks for that.

You also might want to consider how the creditors of this airline would feel if the company did as you suggested. How do you think a party with free booze etc. would play in the papers for an airline in bankruptcy protection? Under CCAA I doubt very much, as the company is being controlled by the courts, if it would even be allowed.

And as I have said before, it seems that everyone who is interested in putting money into this company want Milton to stay and that includes Cerberus. I have a hunch they know what his abilities are much better than either you or I do.

By the way, I would suggest that if you think Milton is hard-nosed just check their record.

Greg Robinson

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Several newspaper articles recently have detailed how Cerberus back tracked on a agreement after the fact in a situation such as ours. They are a company that specializes in quickly turning a company around financially, and then selling their stake and getting out. They do whatever it takes to make a company profitable and they are very good at that, but it is for the quick buck.

The monitor's report even indicates that one of the advantages of the Trinity bid is that they expect Trinity to be around for the long term. Trinity's history is to develop and grow a company to profitability and to be there for the long term.

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whooopeeee!!! One free c1 pass. Milton's on a roll with that one. What a crock. The employees should not have to pay a service fee at all..(of course the tax would have to be paid)

it doesn't cost the airline to give this little bonus to its employees

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>>>it doesn't cost the airline to give this little bonus to its employees<<<

If you weigh 200 lbs it'll take aroun 90 lbs of fuel to fly you from YVR to HKG,The meals aren't free to the company,it costs to handle you the same way it does for a paying customer, and there are the administrative costs as well.

If you don't want a free gift that costs a lot more than a couple of drinks at a party then don't use it. As for me, my wife and I plan a short holiday in HKG in Mar.

Greg Robinson

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I did not mention positive seating! i am talking about not having to pay for a service charge when flying standby. All the US carriers at least give this to their employees as an employee benefit and the only thing the employee has to pay for is any taxes that go along with the ticket. As far as the meals are concerned, as an employee you are always aware that there may not be a meal boarded for you, and after the FA's are finished meal service if there is a meal left you as a non rev may have it.

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In the last few years, I've flown only three times: one test flight, and once to YUL and back for work.

If I ever use that c1 pass, I'll make a point of saying thanks, but it means pretty much squat to me at the moment.

I don't expect free booze, and I don't ask for expensive celebrations when we're suffering, but I can think of a few ways to lift people's spirits just a little bit at Christmas time that would mean something, and cost very little. Unfortunately our employer doesn't seem interested.

Evidently I work for an employer who can't see the huge cost of destroyed moralle. If you think I'm a poor example, you should be glad you don't hear the thoughts of the rest of the crowd I work with.

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Great to see the huge turnout for the PAR -- TAY last night. May I add my best wishes for your future endeavours? And a long and healthy retirement?

Further up you said: "I'd sure rather have the free C1 passes that Milton gave us last year"

So would I, however...

It seems that Mr. Milton's idea of a "free" pass isn't quite the same as mine. I've used the pass and now I find myself engaged in a quest to correct the service charge that got tacked on to it. (A hefty charge by the way; and rumour has it, an all too common occurrence.) After finally tracking down, and then phoning, the correct Employee Travel number, which incidentally is answered by a person in Bombay/Mumbai -- like -- in India (the transmission delay and the delightful lilting accent ruined her cover), I was told to fax my request for a refund to another number, which she said is also in VABB.

So...I gotta admit that the IDEA of the pass was great. And I really appreciated it at the time. But the subsequent hassle is leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

Which leads to another question, namely, "Why does it always fall upon the rank and file to correct the accounting mistakes made in this company?"

Soooo...check those charges after you and the missus get back!


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Great to see the huge turnout for the PAR -- TAY last night. May I add my best wishes for your future endeavours? And a long and healthy retirement?

Further up you said: "I'd sure rather have the free C1 passes that Milton gave us last year"

So would I, however...

It seems that Mr. Milton's idea of a "free" pass isn't quite the same as mine. I've used the pass and now I find myself engaged in a quest to correct the service charge that got tacked on to it. (A hefty charge by the way; and rumour has it, an all too common occurrence.) After finally tracking down, and then phoning, the correct Employee Travel number, which incidentally is answered by a person in Bombay/Mumbai -- like -- in India (the transmission delay and the delightful lilting accent ruined her cover), I was told to fax my request for a refund to another number, which she said is also in VABB.

So...I gotta admit that the IDEA of the pass was great. And I really appreciated it at the time. But the subsequent hassle is leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

Which leads to another question, namely, "Why does it always fall upon the rank and file to correct the accounting mistakes made in this company?"

Soooo...enjoy the trip...but check those charges after you and the missus get back!


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I wish you could Mike. Unlike AC, I'd even pay you time and a half for doing it for me.

BTW... at an impromptu gathering in bay 9 last night one of the recently returned 20 thanked us for our efforts and encouraged continued efforts for the likes of you... We're too few and it's no secret to anyone. Hope you can manage for a while longer.

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Guest The Gapper

Finely tuned operation, not to mention the nastygram they sent me for not paying my travel charges. AC billed it to Jazz and Jazz was too dumb to payroll deduct it like I requested so AC sends me a nastygram threatening to ban me!!!! This place is F#$ked

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Time and a half...for Christmas? Double time, nothing less. Just picture it, I'll throw on a fake beard, stop at your place to grab your I.D. and head into work. I'll be minus your qualifications and years of experience of course, but I can do a pretty good impression of you. Maybe, just maybe we can make this work.

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