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Any Oprah Fans Out There

Kip Powick

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I'm not sure if I should admit this,but, ever since I saw the special Oprah did in Africa (the first show I actually watched) my opinion of her changed.

It is without a doubt that most of the fluff on her show (I've sat through a couple of them) is enough to send you running for the pepto, if it allows her to generate the means to buy presents and a house for someone who needs it, then I say more power to her.

As for the lesson learned, how about........Sometimes good things happen to good people


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Enjoyed this thread but my question is "Who's taking out the garbage and who's supplying the new batteries?"

OOOPS I just fell into the gutter , must have been the Rum -Lemon Hart of course not Appletons , ahem Mitch !

I apologize to all!

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I agree with you in uncorking the panty remover, but for GOD'S SAKE MAN!!!!!!!





Hope I saved you Mitch wink.gif

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Iceman cool26.gif

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Guest Hawkeye

oh poo poo did i hurt your feelings that i'm not a fan of oprah?  My opinion, was, and still is that she's trying to grab ratings. 


I am convinced now that you are about as mindless as you are Mature!

In an earlier post my whole argument about the recent Oprah Show, helping a desperate and needy family, was unmistakably summed up in my last paragraph. “A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting another Candle.”

The case I put forward had absolutely nothing to do with whether you liked Oprah or not, but about unconditional compassion and generosity for another Human Being. You missed the entire real meaning of the quote in my message again!

I can only conclude that it‘s becoming evident, you can’t read very well either. Your juvenile comments towards me while rude offers no defense, however says a lot about a man’s Moral Fiber.


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Guest Hawkeye

Ya sure about that?user posted image

Judging from your subtle remark, maybe you should ask yourself that question; you appear to be in bed with Canus Chinookus!

Proud Father of two Beautiful Daughters. Yes yvr, Definitely Male!


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Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged!  They never seen the episode but offered up their uninformed view anyhow, of what Oprah was really up to! Someone else with a seemingly sarcastic question about how a single mom could have 9 kids. Then we get this comment from rattler: << "Watched it a couple of time and when my stomach started to churn, switched back to the news....."  blah blah blah and on and on and on....>> 

Hawkeye (Male)

I guess I took offense to your automatic labelling and your poor attempt to put me in my place because i don't agree with your high opinion of Oprah. What's next, am I a racist because I have the opinion that Oprah is really good at getting ratings?

Get over yourself Hawkeye, people don't always agree on everything in the real world, now shhhh, i think Oprah and Dr. Phil are on soon! rolleyes.gif

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Guest rattler

HAWKEYE, I guess you did not have your reading glasses on when you read my post and then you responded to several posts in one missive that I will quote to refresh your memory. I have also posted my original comment.

My original remark:

Re tax bills, why would that be insulting??? Under US law, all winnings are taxable. The insulting (scarey) part is that there are a lot of folks who worship OW, Dr. Phil, etc. etc etc. and take everything they say as gospel.

And of course there is also the large group of folks who follow the various "reality" shows and think they are indeed reality.... Guess it all depends upon your definition of reality. 

And now your comment.

Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged! 

HAWKEYE ---Seems to me that those who resort to personal attacks in a debate may better fit the category of those who "don't have their brains engaged"

Or in a kinder tone, why impede the merits of your rebuttal by resorting to a personal attack???

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AIRLINE EMPLOYEES LOSE THEIR MINDS... Does working for an airline really lead to insanity? Next on Oprah.

I think that's more an episode for Springer! Oprah doesn't allow chair throwing and cursing, and anything's possible with that crowd! ph34r.gif

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