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Sundays Stupid Question

Kip Powick

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I walked into a store and spent half the money I had in my pocket. When I came out I found that I had just as many cents as I had dollars when I went into the store and half as many dollars as I had cents when I went in the store.

How much money did I have when I went in the store ???

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You know when I put that question up I said to myself...If IFG is around, the answer will be up in 2 minutes :).... you were slow...it took you almost 43 minutes !!!!

Chew on this one...at least it's not math !!!

There are seven ways a baseball player can

legally reach first base without getting a hit.Taking a base on balls-(a walk)-is one way. Name the other six.

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Er ... beaning the batter? Pretty much tapped out after that. I'm afraid all those years working an abacus didn't produce an encyclopedian grasp of the baseball rules, but if there was ever a game for devotees of statistics ...

Cheers, IFG

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Er ... beaning the batter? Pretty much tapped out after that. I'm afraid all those years working an abacus didn't produce an encyclopedian grasp of the baseball rules, but if there was ever a game for devotees of statistics ...


Cheers, IFG

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Hi, Kip - Re "There are seven ways a baseball player can legally reach first base without getting a hit" -

Er ... beaning the batter? Pretty much tapped out after that. I'm afraid all those years working an abacus didn't produce an encyclopedian grasp of the baseball rules, but if there was ever a game for devotees of statistics ...


Cheers, IFG

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1. walk

2. dropped third strike

3. hit by pitcher - legal pitch

4. hit by pitcher - illegal pitch

5. catcher obstruction

6. fair ball hits ump on foul ground

7. fair ball hits ump on fair ground

(Couple of repeats but them's my guesses.)

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Guest LeBourget

here goes

1. pinch runner - assuming there is somebody already there of course

2. B.O.B

3. hit by pitch, outside of strike zone and assuming the batter tried to get out of the way

4. dropped strike 3, beat throw or tag

5. fielders choice

6. fielder interference

7. error - or if you prefer "erra"

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Remember this is getting to FIRST base.

Perhaps you are thinking of.... 2) passed ball ...where the pitcher throws the third strike but the catcher misses it completely and the batter can then run to first base ??

Sort of like the catcher "dropping" the ball on the last strike but in that case the catcher had contact with the ball .... OK ???

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I like baseball, but still no expert, so, a couple of questions - How does #4 (catcher drops third strike) work? Is it an automatic 1st base, or a chance to try as in a passed ball?

And ... well ... maybe one question and one nit-pick ;). Not sure if #6 ought to count. Your question at least implies ways for the batter to get to 1st base. Being designated a pinch-runner is in itself no guarantee of even the opportunity get there, but merely confers the same ways to make first base that the batter would have himself if there was no pinch runner. OR, maybe you could say there's 14 ways, 7 as a batter and 7 as a pinch runner?

IAC, apropos Kip's question, here's another one: Who played in 105 games and stole 31 bases in his career, but never had an official at bat? no googling :D

Cheers, IFG

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(((I like baseball, but still no expert, so, a couple of questions - How does #4 (catcher drops third strike) work? Is it an automatic 1st base, or a chance to try as in a passed ball?)))

Not an automatic first base. Batter must try to run to first base prior to catcher retrieving ball he, (catcher) touched on third strike. “Passed ball” is one, which was thrown by the pitcher, lets say bounced in front of the plate, and for some reason the batter swung at it as strike 3 but the catcher missed it completely.

(((Not sure if #6 ought to count. Your question at least implies ways for the batter to get to 1st base)))

Not so, I stated a “baseball player” , I did not specify the “batter”. A pinch runner NEVER starts at home plate. He may start at First,Second,or Third (injury to batter on base and batter may not re enter the game…in case he was faking it ))

((IAC, apropos Kip's question, here's another one: Who played in 105 games and stole 31 bases in his career, but never had an official at bat?)))

That is a pretty well known fact and I believe it was the namesake of the first US President, a fellow named Bert Washington and that happened back in the ‘70s. He became a legend because Oakland won the world Series with him on the team. (PS…It was also mentioned during this World Series, like it is most years as soon as there is a pinch runner on base in a tight game :)

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Kip - Re: "A pinch runner NEVER starts at home plate." - Well, there you go. I did stipulate that I was no expert on the rules.


I have followed the game sporadically, tho', and did root for the A's thru' the early seventies (great band of misfits and rogues - Jackson, Blue, Hunter, Fingers etc). Hence my recollection of Herb Washington, getting tagged more often than stealing as I recall. Keeping a sprinter on his roster was one of Charlie Findley's many innovations, success in that instance indicated by how common the practice is today? I don't even know if it's still legal. Didn't realise it was still frequently mentioned, it's been one of my favourite baseball trivia for years.


Cheers, IFG

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