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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. About time we went back to being real pilots........hone your skills so once again we can traverse the world with TACAN, ADF, Aural Null, Radio Range, and don't forget to practice lost orientation and guys/gals we'll git 'er done !!! Ocean Station Charlie will be back in the saddle as well and eastbound don't forget the ADF on BBC Droitwich 198-200 kHz. Going on Polar routes, you might wanna brush up on Grid Nav !! Gonna call up some of the Navs I know and tell them that some of the airlines might be hiring. Yee Haw !!!!...
  2. Maybe an abrupt decrease in rate of descent and.....of course..that seatbelt light "on" is a real annoyance, (( as it should only be on for T/O and Landing )).
  3. And down the road..... "shouldn't we be off the runway by now !!" "I would think so !" "Maybe you should rotate the aircraft !" "Whaaat ? I have never done that !!!!" ABORT !!!!! ABORT !!!!....... Sad..."Real" pilots are going the way of the Dodo bird
  4. I think we all have the abject fear of the last thing we will ever see is an instrument panel moving rapidly toward us.
  5. Good point but the key word in your post is "Experience" and in this case the FO, like many of us that have/had extensive experience, tended to "peek" when that rad-alt reading was getting very close to terra firma.
  6. Thanks I was just looking at Malcolms link above...(and day dreaming ) o Reinstatement of indexation (bi-annually) for retirees for 8 years: ▪ January 1, 2025: 1% (guaranteed) ▪ January 1, 2027, 2029, 2031 and 2033: 1.5% each time (conditional on health of pension surplus
  7. The pension issue.....will there be any increase on the FROZEN retirees pension or do those little increases only apply to retirees as of the beginning of this contract ???
  8. Here's a TUDOR with which I rewarded myself when I graduated as a RCAF pilot Loaded 1964 Malibu SS loaded Brand new..My cost $2640.00
  9. What's a spelling mistake.???..Tudor vice Tutor ......yes corrected
  10. This is an American pilot giving a verbal explanation, with some video and diagrams, concerning the fatal crash out West. This is the actual final report compiled by DND. The thing that I found striking was the pilot had 2500 flying hours of which only 75 were on the Tutor .... Bit long but makes some good points.
  11. The terminal velocity would be almost exactly as a muzzle velocity of a 9mm bullet leaving a Glock 19.......1154ft/sec The area of impact would depend on where on the sidewalk the hammer hit. Assuming the normal concrete sidewalk which is poured with expansion slots........centre...would probably star crack the entire section, .....outside edge - 1/2 star crack......open joint between two sections ..disjointed star crack in two sections.. The depth would depend on the sub strat under the concrete pour and the depth of the concrete Have a nice week...
  12. The music was "OUCH ". Interesting and I guess technology for video photography wasn't that good back then. Loved how all the workers were so safety conscience with the (tie-offs) he said sarcastically. 63 Millon back then and almost 4 years. Do it today and it would 10 years due to safety constraints, union strikes etc. and cost “estimate” about 320 million. Surprisingly only one worker died during the build. A piece of plywood fell, hit a worker on the ground in the neck and killed him.
  13. Then...where did those numbers come from ? They certainly were not made up by travel and tour world They must have been leaked from either ALPA, (negotiating staff), or AC Management....
  14. INTERESTING, BUT USELESS INFORMATION Could be used at any party where conversation has slowed, or perhaps is boring, or you could quiz your children about this fact. The correct spelling for what we usually write as “ wi-fi” or "wifi: is actually, Wi-Fi, which is a proper noun. Remember when just before stereo sound we went to Hi-Fi, which meant High Fidelity ?? Wi-Fi does NOT mean Wireless Fidelity. In 1999 a group of companies formed Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance,( WECA) which was promoting the wireless standard. The name was created by a marketing firm hired by WECA and Wi-Fi was chosen for the pleasing sound and similarity to “Hi-Fi” [high-fidelity] WOW !!…isn’t that fascinating ?? Have a nice weekend….
  15. First.....I understand what they want but if they say they could care less if " AC burned to the ground" well that is an unwanted attitude and does little to make any progress. Why be militant ?? If their attitude is that far right wing then........move on...because according to posts, everybody makes more that AC so there must be better places to go...... Remember in the "OLD" days when new hires were told that they would be in the left seat in five years and they went home and told the wife that they could plan on that progress so the expensive house, the two cars, a boat, etc. was ok to purchase...AND then AC started to slide backwards due to the economy, and other factors, and these junior guys were the first to start screaming that they were told their future was "golden" and were entitled to move up the ladder but.... they did not. I realize what I just posted did not concern a wage disparity, but it did show how quickly individuals have a sense of entitlement when things change. Those that were "offended" left but there was always pilots waiting in the wings to fill the spots. Yes, I agree that perhaps their pay is not acceptable, and AC walks away and is waiting to see what happens and naturally, I am not privy to the bargaining process, but it looks like the Government is not prepared to step in...yet... What I don't understand is why the "Militants" joined AC in the first place if everyone else is making more upon joining "XY" airline. Has there been a drop in wages since they joined or is their problem totally the result of the economics in Canada? SEEKER..It really doesn't matter how much you paid to become a pilot or how inconvienced you were going from company to company to find work. Your new employer, (AC), doesn't care and nor should they. You are qualified to do the job so they hired you and you must have known the wages upon being hired. Now that the economy has slid sideways for awhile, perhaps a raise is justified and again I must stress I know nothing about the $$$ on the table, but if the pilot negotiaters have dug their heels in and have indicated they are not moving.......well I guess we just wait and see.
  16. While the pay is low and daily costs are high, the extreme militancy demonstrated by many can partially be explained by an employed generation of "sense of entitlement and gentle parenting" individuals. ..........you see it everyday, everywhere
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