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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Granddaughters... me too....3 girls...12,14,16, One in Softball, (12yr old) sisters 14, 16 do sailing and hockey..Silver medal in sailing at Ontario Summer Games, now both prepping for hockey, both on Kingston AA Rep teams. Surprising how far a Grandfather will drive to watch one of the players be on the ice for 12-15 mins Glad to hear all is well at your end Don........be safe (Putting the boat away for the season)
  2. Thanks, Yesterday I did a Google Earth and looked around and realized all the big birds are in hangers. It is unfortunate that the Canadian Government does not shovel a bucket of $$$ toward the RCAF Museum in Trenton. Many of the aircraft, which have to be outside, no buildings built, are starting to look very weary parked there for years, day in and day, out enduring the rigors of Canadian weather.
  3. Agree !! The problem with the Museum in Dayton,(Wright Patterson AFB), is if you are at all interested in any aircraft, you cannot do the viewing/reading/listening in one day. I have flown in and out of Wright Patterson decades ago and at that time some of the larger aircraft were outside. They also had headsets you could rent and listen to facts about some exhibits without having to read the "tell me" boards. If really interested, plan a two day visit and if your other half is not interested, give her a credit card and let her go shopping.....after all the museum is "free"
  4. "Uh, yeh, we have cash flow problems, so...... let's try something that really astounds the public" Oh, Barry, let Air Canada and West Jet know we might just need some help to get some of our passengers back if this promo goes slightly sideways" "" Internet Snippets"" Flair says the $1 airfares, currently reserved for northbound flights from Mexico, the U.S., Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, are now offered permanently on its website. The airline is offering $1 flights back to Canada from airports in Cancun and Puerto Vallarta, Orlando and Las Vegas. The ultra low-cost carrier says it has launched a $1 base airfare deal for passengers flying back to Canada from sun destinations — but some experts are skeptical of whether the airline can sustain the promo.
  5. I think the pilots had the easy job back then....
  6. Did the upgrade include shortening the fuselage just to save space in the hangers ??? (re posted picture)
  7. Gone Forever...............Forgotten Never
  8. OH, my.....yes, it was, you are correct ....I just turned and looked at my calandar, which had been turned to July....but I think, at my age, I deserve a little credit for remembering what happened 5 days ago
  9. The quickest way to get them to slow down is to pull out a camera .....and look PO...not entertained. Had the same thing happen when anchored off the Statue of Liberty. They slowed down and never came back .....also got some QC boats to do the same thing in the Rideau where the speed limit is 10km in certain areas. I believe the law is no Jet-skis or power boats, allowed at high speeds, within 125 feet of an anchored vessel
  10. Last Friday......July 05 I am in my dinghy......transporting two folks ashore. The dinghy is 12 feet long, 40HP , has a 5 foot stainless radar arch and a rotating GREEN light when underway .. I am the RED line She is driving a boat very similar to this vessel, below, She is the YELLOW line We are both travelling at high speed. As I am to her starboard, I have the right of way I keep and eye on her and it looks like she has no intension of slowing down I use an old sailors trick to see if we are on a true collision course....in my case using my left hand I.hold my thumb up and block her vessel from view.....watching......if her vessel comes out to the right of my thumb she will pass the intersection point before me and conversely if she appears to the left of my thumb I will be at the intersection before her....assuming we both maintain our present speed. That day her vessel did not move ahead or behind my thumb......we were on a collision course. The question is .......will she see me in time and slow down as I am to her starboard and have the right of way or will she have "target fixation", staring straight ahead and not see me....? The liitle black circles on the photo indicate decision time. She appears to be staring straight ahead....no head movement .......It is pretty obvious that fiberglass comes out better than inflated rubber should we collide......I throttle back. She passes across my bow about 75meters away, still "on plane" and at the last minute sees me and waves and smiles....... Sometimes I just wonder about other boaters..............
  11. "hover" ??? Some pilots will do anything to get a bit more time on the pay sheet.........
  12. Too bad....wear the seatbelt when sitting in a chair, in a tube hurtling through space at over 1000km/hr no matter how long the flight, is no matter how smooth it is.... I know, I know......the above opinion, for most airline passengers, is akin to hearing a sparrow fart in a hurricane.
  13. For those that tow trailers, be the boat or other Best watched on FULL SCREEN
  14. You, with pliers, look out for us, the flyers. Stand your ground and I am sure those who know how important your profession is to the safety of crew, and passengers, (Guestsover there),have our full support.
  15. That can be a catastrophic ride out, and back in and that is why there are out-riders on Jet-skis patrolling the water. What I don't understand is why enforcenemnt of wearing PFD's is not mandated, for entry and exit.
  16. A Dutch roll can be caused by both wind and pilot input, but is nauseating for passengers in either circumstance STORY TIME...part 1 I experienced , I think, a Dutch Roll, which was intitiated by my FO in a CV580. We were cruising at FL230 when, lets call him Ichabod Crane...a very tall and gangly fellow, decided he wanted to use the washroom and when sqirming out of his seat he inadvertently put on a poop-load of right rudder. The CV 580 has an interconnect between the ailerons and rudder due to the fact that when the Allison engines were glued to the wings the rudder had to be made a wee bit bigger so the pilot could offset some of the yaw with the loss of an engine, and a requirement to make a turn. When Icchabod stood up and slipped when exiting his seat the effect was a swing to the right, an uncoupling of the autopilot, slight right bank and a slight skid to the left. Naturally my reaction was to get the aircraft back to level flight so we rolled to the left and leveled the wings...no harm done but the apparently the pax were requesting an explanation. I told the Flight Steward to tell them that we just crossed the Jet Stream, which was running about 100 miles per hour faster than anticipated and that the flight would be smooth the rest of the way.....(I doubted any of the VIPs knew anything about the atmosphere and a jet stream), and there were no further questions. part 2 There were two of us, (co-Captains), in Colorado Springs as pilots for the DCINC NORAD. We needed a third pilot who could fill in for either of us in the event we were ill or perhaps due for vacation. A young fellow who has just completed training on the CV580 was sent down to us and would act as FO if either of us could not make a flight. It was agreed upon that seeing I was a Check Pilot on the CV580 prior to Colorado Springs I would take him up for a check ride to check his proficency. A verbal briefing, (Q and A), was completed and we set off for the air work. It was his check ride, so he had the left seat. No problems with the taxi and take-off and we were going to fly about 30 miles south to a little airport and do a few instrument and visual approaches. We were passing about 5000 feet in the climb when he selected "autopilot on". I asked him what he was doing. He stated he wanted to fly down south using the auto pilot I stated that in this particular aircraft we did not use the auto pilot unless the flight was in excess of 6 hours of flight time because of the unfortunate tendency of this particular CV580 to "Dutch-Roll" and the General did not like the fact that Dutch-Roll was not comfortable in the VIP compartment. He turned to the Flight Engineer, Jimmy, and asked if that was true......good old Jimmy, said "That is a fact Sir" ((In actual fact I wanted to see how he handled that aircraft, (stick and rudder), and not use the auto pilot .......the reason I gave him for not using the autopilot was all pure BS....we used it most of the time)) Anyhow, he demonstrated that he was quite capable with the aircraft, including sudden loss of engine, engine fires, etc etc. The other pilot phoned me that night and asked how he did. I said he was quite capable and demonstated fairly good skills considering he just finished his training. The other fellow then said I should take the day off, tomorrow, as he was taking the General plus 7 to Ottawa and would be back in 2 days. Apparently the other pilot gave the "newbee" the first leg...Colorado Springs to Ottawa. So they climbed to altitude, leveled and cruised for about 30 minutes until, finally, the Captain asked why he did not plug in the autopilot...... With a slight bead of sweat on his forehead, the FO told him what I said on the check ride......about no autopilot, and the flight to Ottawa was less than 6 hours so no autopilot etc etc......Apparently . the Flight Engineer started to laugh and the Captain told the newbee he had been had......... Truth being told..the night before .I forgot to tell the other pilot that I did spoof the new fellow about the autopilot ..........so much fun...so little time...
  17. Perhaps, but looking at the video, it seems to me, the pilot had ample time to see the boat, before he attempted take-off and got the nose up..................... should have delayed take-off.
  18. What is the difference between...... Iron Man ...and.... Iron Woman ?? Iron Man is a super hero Iron Woman is a command You're welcome
  19. I guess if a seaplane becomes a marine vessel while on the water, then the boat had the right of way. This is the rule most boaters follow....."If vessels are going to cross tracks, the vessel to the right of your intended course has the right of way"
  20. The T-33 called Tower at 5 miles on final, and Tower replied: " Continue". As the T-33 reached 2 miles on Final the Tower told T-33; "Go-around...B52 , seven miles final with an engine out has priority." Responded the T-33 pilot: " Roger, giving way to the B-52 doing the dreaded 7 engine approach ".
  21. Perhaps some of the older generation that drove "tank-like" cars felt they were safer back then
  22. Today's launch with the two astronauts has been scrubbed........again.
  23. Put that in the pile with those that believe Trump was NOT guilty
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