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Everything posted by J.O.

  1. Sure, because it's JT who sets world oil prices. You give him way too much credit.
  2. 18% interest is what you have to pay when your business lacks the solid footing that comes with a proven revenue stream and solid customer base. Now when you see such rates used to finance a corporate takeover, you're probably dealing with a corporate raider who's only looking to maximize short term earnings and couldn't care less if it bankrupts the host.
  3. It’s all in the numbers. Most airline bean counters don’t give a flying fadoo about the pilots’ preferences.
  4. The water tanks don't take up much of the interior space in the CL water bombers. Even the original piston 215's had rows of "seats" in the forward cabin ahead of the tanks.
  5. San Jose airport gets two types of weather. CAVOK or monsoon. The ditches are for the monsoons.
  6. Canadian controlled is more about financial control and voting shares than on where the management team comes from.
  7. Indeed, that wasn't her first go at an engine rebuild.
  8. Interesting, EASA claims to have done much more than the USA to protect aviation from 5G interference, time will tell if it was enough.
  9. They tried a drive-through gantry system in Munich many years ago but they abandoned it in favour of a deciding pad. IIRC, an aircraft sustained significant damage when the gantry malfunctioned and struck the tail as they taxied away.
  10. They probably shut down the engines just prior to landing. Once the power comes off both main AC buses, the RAT will deploy.
  11. I know it’s possible but the notion of a wing failure on a modern jetliner is pretty astounding.
  12. Well done Rich! That's even better than a filter-based system, especially if you're using aviation paint that contains isocyanates or any product that contains chromium (aviation has several of them). No one can tell you how long a filter cartridge provides protection against that stuff. Forced air respiration eliminates that concern.
  13. I recommend a respirator too. Manganese dioxide is a primary ingredient and that stuff is nasty. I wouldn’t put any of the other ingredients on my peanut butter sandwich either.
  14. For those who live in newer townhomes, one side note on turning off the water supply while away. These buildings are usually equipped with sprinkler systems. Our neighbours have been away for a month and my wife has been keeping an eye on their place. The other day she wanted to water some plants but found the water was off. She asked me to come turn it on. I assumed they would have turned off the valve that is downstream from the sprinkler feed line, but I arrived to find the main valve (the one with the big red tag saying "DO NOT CLOSE THIS VALVE") was closed. I corrected it and sent them an email to let them know why. They were embarrassed and said they didn't notice the shutoff valve they should have used, which still doesn't explain why they thought it was no problem to deactivate their sprinklers.
  15. Reports coming from the scene suggest parts of the tail were found a fair distance from the main wreckage.
  16. “Russian Air Force taking a beating” Good!
  17. I wish them luck, it won't be easy running a bunch of A320s and NGs without parts support.
  18. Okay, now I see what you're getting at. I haven't seen a seniority list but there will be a fair number of Sunwing folks with more than 10 years seniority. I don't have a dog in the fight and I hope the integration isn't another bloodbath, but I'm probably going to be disappointed.
  19. That aspect has nothing to do with common employer. Their own flight crew compliment has essentially been a steady state, supplemented with foreign pilots for the winter peak.
  20. Those "changes" were over 20 years ago. The same approach didn't hurt Westjet.
  21. Is ONEX planning to take it public again?
  22. Another taker would probably be a new entrant. New entrants aren't big fans of taking on a "mature" workforce in terms of pay scale. Any attempt to take the AOC without the people would land you in "common employer" trouble.
  23. Don't forget that nothing it gives you is transmissible.
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