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Taj Mahal airport authorities


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I particularly enjoyed this line:

>>Among concerns outlined by Clarke was the proposed change to the use of airport improvement fees.

"We believe it threatens the good results we've achieved to date," Clarke said

Ottawa wants to change financial flight path of YVR<<

He is practically whining that they will be held accountable!! Unbelievable how many more jade statues and custom monogrammed YVR paraphenalia do we need?

By Trudi Beutel


New federal legislation could ground airports' in a fog of "red tape", according to Graham Clarke, Vancouver International Airport authority chair.

He slammed the proposed Canada Airport Act as a "one-size-fits-all-airports approach."

Among concerns outlined by Clarke was the proposed change to the use of airport improvement fees.

"We believe it threatens the good results we've achieved to date," Clarke said.

The improvement fee is collected from every outgoing passenger who passes through the airport. The cost is $5 for flights within B.C., $10 for flights within Canada, the U.S., and Mexico and $15 for international flights.

In 2002 and 2001, the airport collected $54 million in fees, and have taken in $480 million since it was implemented in 1993.

However, a national public transportation lobby group says airports should not be allowed to solely determine their own financial flight paths.

Harry Gow, president of Transport 2000, questioned if all projects undertaken by airport authorities, including YVR's, are necessary.

"Sure passengers can walk around and look at all the art, but they could just as easily read a newspaper instead," he said, adding his belief some authorities indulge in empire building.

Instead of curtailing airport authorities from spending improvement fees as they see fit, Gow and his advocacy group would like to see Ottawa set up an advisory panel which would have final say over any proposed "improvement" at the nation's airports funded with AIFs.

This type of control mechanism, he said, would reduce all airport authority's tendencies to spend because they collect.

"I think everyone would admit (YVR) is a much improved airport," he said, but added some of the improvements "may not be as necessary as they are in the minds of managers."

However, YVR's Clarke contended the autonomy airports enjoy in regard to spending AIFs have transformed airports into money-making from money-losing ventures.

As it stands now, YVR applies the funds many aspects of the airport's operations. They will also offset YVR's $300 million contribution to the proposed Richmond-Airport-Vancouver rapid transit line.


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Guest BAE 146

Didn't the YVR airport authority buy another airport in the carribian? This was the going story while I was working in yvr two years ago.

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