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Guest Peanuts

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Guest Peanuts

Good morning all,

I have a question and hope that someone can answer it for me, truthfully.

Is it true that AC has DC-10 drivers sitting at home being paid xxx amount of $ for not working ?

If it is true then I would love their job :)

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Shhhh! No one's supposed to know about that. Someone made a mistake on the equipment bid about 20 years ago, and there are about 600 pilots getting paid to fly DC10s. Fortunately for them, nobody in flight ops management has noticed that Air Canada doesn't have DC10s.

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Good morning Peanuts... (afternoon now) Listen, I'll forgive you this once, but only once.... NEVER, and I'm talking about NEVER EVER, ...confuse a dear sweet old DC-10 with those little old DC9 things... OK? ;)

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Guest Peanuts

Your response has made me laugh cp fa.
Thank you , you made my day !
I am off to have a shower with a huge smile on my face.
Take care hope you have a great day too !

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Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer...how are we ever going to keep our pampered, cloistered ways invisible if we keep bringing those little inconvenient skeletons, er, plans out of our collective closets. I mean, if we let the world know about the 1800 F/A's also kept on our black-belt SST, "Special Staffing Team", what are we all then to do? I mean, really...And Mitch, the 450 AME's who cluster round the old bird making sure all the fastenings are fastened and polishing the plumbing under the cowlings and in the wheelwells. Dang, dang if the Toronto Star ever picks this up, we dished and then where will all our swimming pools, boats, backyard tennis courts, homes on the Riviera be?

Peanuts, you cracked the code. Wanna join The Team?


Don, Who Knows/Says/Does Nothing.

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Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer...how are we ever going to keep our pampered, cloistered ways invisible if we keep bringing those little inconvenient skeletons, er, plans out of our collective closets. I mean, if we let the world know about the 1800 F/A's also kept on our black-belt SST, "Special Staffing Team", what are we all then to do? I mean, really...And Mitch, the 450 AME's who cluster round the old bird making sure all the fastenings are fastened and polishing the plumbing under the cowlings and in the wheelwells. Dang, dang if the Toronto Star ever picks this up, we're dished and then where will all our swimming pools, boats (yachts for the PP's, {pampered pilots}), backyard tennis courts, homes on the Riviera and private schools be?

Peanuts, you cracked the code. Wanna join The Team?


Don, Who Knows/Says/Does Nothing.

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Ex-nay on the ecrets-say Don...
Ummm that polish was fer ahhh... the chrome on the belly's of the ...ahh, 320's... ya, that's it. Ahhh we had to have 450 of us for ahhh... relief, ahhh, no ahh, it was for ahh towing, ya, that's it.

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Geez, next thing you know, somebody will be spilling the beans about all the Viscount and DC3 pilots on the payroll. Somebody better close the barn door before ALL the horses get out!

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I heard that the mounties will be here looking at a DC 10 next week you may want to give them a call :D

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that's what I was told, they're coming to "Look" at a couple of A/C and one was a DC10.... And tes, as in Mojave :D 106 deg yesterday


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