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German Airline Crew Killed In Egypt Car Accident


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Associated Press

Published: Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 - 4:55 am

Last Modified: Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 - 8:00 am

CAIRO -- Several Germans and three Egyptians have been killed in a road accident south of the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada, but Egypt and Germany were at odds over the death toll.

The TUIfly airline and the German government said four Germans were killed and two injured. Egypt's official news agency said five died.


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A tragic loss, the possibility of which ALWAYS crossed my mind during the commute to/from the Lagos Sheraton to DNMM. Then there were the "kids" (younger colleagues) horsing around in the car on their return to the compound in Jeddah. The security guard was seconds away from shooting all 4 of them. New shorts all around.

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Whenever I came walking back to the hotel in Jeddah, I made sure to shuffle my feet, just for the noise.

I wanted to make sure the guys with the machine guns heard me a long way off (and did not suddenly wake up).

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