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Red Bull Stratos


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Wow. That was heart racing stuff. I got scared everytime he didn't respond to ground control. The live feed from their web site was great. I haven't heard yet if he had to deploy the drogue parachute? Anyone know?

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It didn't look like he did. About 3/4 of the way through the free fall, he did start to gyrate and tumble a fair bit but it seemed to me that he got control of it himself. What I found interesting was that it appeared as if he deployed the parachute quite early, and in fact his free fall time seems to have been less than Kittinger's was from 1960. But later on he said his visor was quite fogged up and it could be that he had no choice but to deploy his parachute if he couldn't see his altimeter.

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He broke the speed of sound while in very thin air Once he encountered thicker air particles, was when he started spinning. He was able to stop it without deploying his drone shute. Wow, heart thumping from my couch. Nice. Sure glad we were able to witness a live feed for his record.


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