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Raising the voices....Again


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YYZ was there far longer than any of these subdivisions. Can we start a petition to shut these guys up?

I live directly under the spot where the aircraft tur downwind to base for 06L and I dont have an issue.

Airport noise

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here's one article that ran:

Night flights draw fire

November 27, 2011 - Toronto Sun

Tom Godfrey

Some outraged Mississauga and Brampton residents have taken to the Internet to try and ground plans by Pearson Airport officials to increase the number of flights that arrive and take off during the early morning.

Residents said the so-called “night flights,” that touch down or take off between 12:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., can cause their windows to vibrate and keep them awake at nights.

They said Pearson officials now land 36 flights nightly during the early morning and propose to increase the number to 41 next year. A decision will be made by Transport Canada early next year.

Residents have created a petition that has been signed by more than 50 supporters demanding the added flights be stopped. The petition will be given to Transport Minister Denis Lebel.

“This will definitely have a negative impact on the communities surrounding the airport,” said Brampton resident Adam Mottershead, who is spearheading the campaign.

Mottershead said if flights are added residents will have to cope with more sleep disturbances, general annoyance and a possible drop in the values of their homes.

“Many of us are concerned by all the noise at night,” he said. “The main issue for many of us is the noise.”

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) recently held a series of “open houses” about the added traffic but they were sparsely attended, Mottershead said.

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Yup the link is dead, I guess that their "movement" is too, with only 50 signatures out of the thousands affected by the increase.

I remember several years ago the airport allowed an increase in flights after"curfew" for a short time. no announcements or fanfare, just a few extra flights in the wee hours both at night and in the early mornings. there was no change in the number of complaints for noise received. A short time after, they announced a proposed change to curfew hours and there was an uproar. People will complain just because they can not because they have a reason.

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