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Not a word/post...why ??

Kip Powick

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As Canada's primary "mission" in Afghanistan winds down we lose another member of the CF, (number 157), but nary a word posted here..........could it be that many perceive that this individual who is "assumed' to have died by his own hand is not worthy of mention, let alone a ride down the "Highway of Heros"?

I am sure there are many out there who may be inclined to feel that this soldier does not deserve the repatriation ceremonies normally received for those that lost their life while on actual patrol, regardless if their death was attributed to an IED, or not, and that death by ones own hand is not the "soldiers way" to take that last 'flight west.'

Please bear in mind that this individual did don the CF uniform, probably with the same expectations of all members of the CF..that is to serve as directed and carry out ones duty as best can be expected. If suicide is ruled as the cause of his death, let us remember that the human mind is something that no one has yet found to be totally understandable, or predictable, and although suicide can be looked upon as a "permanent solution to a temporary problem", the mental process to reach such a conclusion can be buried, beyond reach by even the best in their field.

RIP young man, we don't understand why, but we will try to reconcile the fact that you felt you had no other choice.


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Is the repatriation today or Tomorrow? I always go down town when I can to pay my respects to our fallen.

I thought it was this afternoon but can't pin it down.

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Well I was there but since I have notgotaclue what you look like I didnt see you :closedeyes:

Was a long ride to the airport in the heat and traffic.

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Well I was there but since I have notgotaclue what you look like I didnt see you :closedeyes:

Was a long ride to the airport in the heat and traffic.

I "think" I saw you...what color is the bike? I was half way down the fence, (from the lights), with a good view of the aircraft and hearse.

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Well at explains e te ther nd hen hey rrive in toronto have not made it to Trenton yet fo a repat. There is usually a good turnout in Toronto at the coroners office. the escorts also come around and shake everyones hand.

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well that is strange.....not sure why that happenned.

We don't go to Trenton we go to the ceremony in Toronto.

Ahh, Ok..I understand now. We do get many bikes at Trenton, yesterday there had to be at least 15-20 bikes, many of which are repeat attendees and I thought you may have been one of them. Some pretty tricked out rides in the group with everything from Honda's to Harleys and a sprinkling of Yamahas.

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yeah I did the Hiway of heros ride a few weeks back and there was over 2000 bikes. We rode from Belleville past the base and on to Oshawa. It poured rain but other wise a good ride.

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Folks have nothing to say because they are so busy telling the new generation to follow the rules while at the same time they support the pension theft crowd and drink lattes.

Same folks call our sons baby killers.

Serve your country son...don't worry we will steal your pension later.

Dagger was so proud after folks had their wages stripped for the better good of the company/country. You still have your pensions he said.

LOL...and they stole them too.

We thought comunism was bad. This place is Animal Farm and has an unlimited appetite for lives, money (yours) and pensions.

Young man,

May God Bless your soul and give you peace...We have stolen everything from you. thank you for your life.

Thank you for your service. Give me your father's pension.

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Wall Street Journal

President Reverses Military Suicide Condolence Letter Policy

By Shirley S. Wang

Family members of military service personnel who take their own lives while deployed will get condolence letters from the president, according to a statement from President Obama, reversing a longstanding but unwritten White House policy.

Many health professionals have long called for a change to the White House’s stance on condolence letters, which they believe will help reduce the stigma associated with suicide and give social support to families.

President Obama called for a review of the policy last year. In the statement released today, he says, “This decision was made after a difficult and exhaustive review of the former policy, and I did not make it lightly.

“This issue is emotional, painful, and complicated, but these Americans served our nation bravely,” he continues. “They didn’t die because they were weak. And the fact that they didn’t get the help they needed must change.”

Some 160 Army personnel committed suicide and over 1,700 attempted suicide, according to Politico. Between 2005 and 2009, nearly a quarter of those took place in combat zones, Politico reports.

The military has been trying to improve mental health resources for service personnel in recent years that had been lacking to help soldiers and their families cope with the stress of deployment and combat, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Guest alkaid

Congratulations to all our soldiers for a job well done. You have made your country proud...again.

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