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Saturday ...smirk?

Kip Powick

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Passed to me via email...

This story and Pic were sent to me by a friend, I had already seen it from one of the girls I am flying with. I removed email addresses to protect these folks. The story is written by a crewmember who flew with the F/A who took the pic. Ah, the joys of working for AA! And our friends who do not fly for a living sometimes just don't believe us.

This man was on a flight out of SFO. The agent was trying to shut the door, of course. The FA, in the back, was frantically trying to call up front. She quickly grabbed her phone, shot this photo and ran to the front. She caught the agent in time and told her we have an issue. The agent asked her, with the usual attitude, what kind of issue. The FA put the photo in her face. Whoops.

The agent bought off the poor man in the middle. Of course, AA wouldn't want to inconvenience the "large man" sitting on the armrest, by removing him! It's one of those photos you have to see to believe.

Sent from her iPhone

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Guest rattler

Surely ..... "no seat belt" would = no flight? tongue.gif but of course our Liberal attitude towards those who have "rights" would prevent that simple action. cool.gif

but I guess the CTA legislation has prevented that problem.


Westjet form


_____________________________________ Fax #: _______________________________________

By signing this form, I understand that I am providing information which WestJet will use for the allocation of second

seat free of charge to my patient. I understand these services would not be available but for my certification. I

accordingly certify that the information provided in Parts E of this form is true and accurate to the best of my


Physician name (print)______________________________ Date:________________________________

Physician signature:________________________________


The Aircanada equivilent can be viewed at: http://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/bef...cuments/fft.pdf see page 5

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It's not the agent that's dumber than a post but the passenger. Why did he not declare that he was oversize and needed 2 seats at time of booking?

Most flights are usually fully booked and finding 2 vacant seats together is usually impossible.

Don't get me started on obesity as I have a friend who "has tried every diet known and still can't lose weight". She's very good about only having one plate of food but she can stack it so high that it's amazing. Even my husband couldn't eat that much at one sitting.

Isn't it law in Canada that we can't discriminate the obese and they are allowed a second seat free of charge?

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I fully respect that it's not always easy as a CSA at the check-in and the gate. You are right, the passenger should share the responsibility for ensuring that his situation doesn't cause unnecessary problems. But we all know that not every passenger who hands you their boarding pass is prepared to do that.

That being the case, how is this situation any different than a passenger who shows up intoxicated or ill to the point of being questionable for travel? Do you ignore them and hope that the crew steps up and makes the right decision, or do you intervene in advance in the hopes of avoiding an unnecessary disruption to the flight at departure time? I suspect that this flight was delayed, and from the picture it doesn't look like a full cabin, so for me that delay was completely unavoidable with some proactive management by the CSAs.

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All valid points.

I'm not trying to make myself out to be a perfect CSA, I was far from that but yes I have refused travel to many drunk pax or terribly smelly pax in my career.

The RCMP were removed from our airport in the mid "90's and we were left to deal with unacceptable pax with the help of the Commissionares.

There were several times that I had to refuse travel to someone who had gone through Security fairly sober but then brought a bottle out of his carryon and drank it before boarding the flight.

In one instance , the guy was 6 ft tall and I am only 5 ft. I took him aside and explained he was too drunk to travel. Luckily for me he agreed with my judgement and he rebooked for the next morning.

In other instnaces I asked the In-Charge or Captain to evaluate the pax. Some were refused and some were accepted with the pax knowing he/she would not be served any alcohol.

The worst was a guy who's family had paid for a ticket for him to go home. He'd been homeless and living rough. Honestly he smelt like a barn. I had to ask him to go and wash himself off in the washrooms before we could let him travel and one of the Rampies gave him a clean t-shirt to travel in. It was humiliating for both of us.

We do try to do our best or at least I did.

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I swear I flew next to that guy and his wife in 2003, to make things even worse they wanted to talk to me about jesus.

I wasn't even supposed to be on the plane - so I couldn't really complain, I just wanted to get home. But those two must have been on the plane when it was assembled in Hamburg because there is no way they embarked through the jetway.

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