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Guest rattler

Lest we forget, it was the intention of Ontario’s Premier Mr. Dalton McGuinty to introduce ‘Sharia’ law to the Ontario Court system.

…and this wise man leads our Province?

According to the CBC you might be beating the wrong horse.

Ontario Premier rejects use of Shariah law

Last Updated: Sunday, September 11, 2005 | 5:19 PM ET

CBC News

Premier Dalton McGuinty said today Ontario will reject the use of Shariah law and will move to prohibit all religious-based tribunals to settle family disputes such as divorce.

His announcement comes after hundreds of demonstrators around the world this week protested a proposal to let Ontario residents use Islamic law for settling family disputes.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty was reacting to a recommendation, by former NDP attorney general Marion Boyd, to allow Muslims to establish Shariah-based tribunals similar to Jewish and Catholic arbitration bodies

"We will not tolerate the interference of religion in our justice system," said Homa Arjomand, who organized a protest in Toronto that drew hundreds of people Thursday.

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As I recall, McGuinty himself favoured the notion, but it was pressure from elsewhere that lead him to take the position you've posted?

That was also my recollection. He was only newly in office when he came out with that zinger. I'm not so sure his sentiments have changed, but his politics sure have. So much so to realize the folly of his move in the direction of religious supremacy over The Laws.

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Guest rattler

For all of those who "tar" all Muslims with the same brush!

Robert Fulford: Canada's angriest 'moderate'

Posted: November 21, 2009, 11:00 AM by NP Editor

Robert Fulford, Canadian politics

Islamist violence, a dangerous many-headed beast, today roams the world, threatening both Islam and everyone else. This is a terrible fact for most people; but for honest and peaceful Muslims it’s also a matter of shame, as Salim Mansur demonstrates in his recently collected collection of columns and articles, Islam’s Predicament: Perspectives of a Dissident Muslim.

Mansur has been called a moderate Muslim, but “moderate” doesn’t describe him. He’s angry at violent, evil men who have done their best to ruin the reputation of his religion. He’s equally furious at their many apologists in the West who explain away Islamist atrocities in the name of social justice. He has no tolerance for leaders of Muslim-majority states (Egypt, Qatar, whatever) who demonstrate that politics pollutes faith.

He carries a personal rage against the many Muslims who devote themselves to killing other Muslims: “More Muslims have been killed by Muslims, more Muslims continue to be victimized by Muslims, and more Muslims are in danger of dying at the hands of Muslims than [at the hands of] non-Muslims.” In 1971, during the creation of Bangladesh, he was both a victim and a witness when the military government of Pakistan made war on its own population, leaving half a million dead.

He’s equally impassioned when he speaks of his love for Canada, which received him as a penniless immigrant 36 years ago and gave him the opportunity to become a professor.

Mansur quotes the most famous poem of W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming, written at the end of the First World War, to describe Islamist violence: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold … anarchy is loosed upon the world.” At the end, Yeats mentions a “rough beast” endangering civilization. Mansur says, “The beast within Islam has been prowling for a very long time.” Once Islam was a civilizing force, but keeping the beast caged has led to a wretched history of civil wars.

Islam’s Predicament is a far from perfect book. Mansur needed, but didn’t get, a sharp, severe editor. In long articles, he sometimes loses his way. His short newspaper columns are scattered. His prose feels careless. Even so, Islam’s Predicament reveals a most interesting man, a Canadian who has enlisted in the struggle against “Islamists who have wrecked the Muslim world.”

He never softens his criticism for the sake of genteel politics. He knows that pernicious forces are the work of particular individuals. He thinks it’s his duty to name names. Being both a professor of political science (at the University of Western Ontario) and a journalist (at the Toronto Sun and elsewhere), Mansur has a feel for the currents of opinion that sweep both Islam and the West, surfacing through the universities and the mass media.

During the brutal riots against the Danish cartoons in 2006, when mobs were driven to mindless fury by demagogues and political opportunists (“and rascals of all stripes,” Mansur adds), this ocean of fury was glibly explained by Tariq Ramadan, the Swiss-born theologian and grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is a principle of faith, Ramadan wrote in the Guardian, that God and the prophets never be represented. The Danish cartoons were therefore “a grave transgression.” By implication, the mobs were right to go crazy.

Well, no, Mansur says. The Koran contains no such injunction. There’s a consensus among many Muslims, Ramadan among them, but that’s all. You can find medieval images of Muhammad in museums from Istanbul to Samarkand. As often happens, non-Muslims went to the wrong Muslim for an understanding of the faith. Ramadan, a propagandist and master of double-speak, masquerades as a scholar and has developed a fan base among innocent professors of religion. Mansur thinks he serves as the beast’s apologist. He sees Ramadan for what he is: the wrong Muslim.

Simmering anger, caused by the alleged humiliation of Muslims, strengthens the beast. Here, Mansur gets to the late Edward Said (1935-2003), the Christian Palestinian-American professor at Columbia University who used his sophisticated literary talents to package the politics of resentment. Said’s polemic, Orientalism, gave Muslims “a stick with which to beat the imperialistic West.” In dealing with the Arabs, Said claimed, the West was uniformly racist, imperialist and ethnocentric. His opinions, treated as gospel in hundreds of universities, celebrated by a thousand sheep-like journalists, have undermined confidence in the West, leading us toward another problem mentioned in the Yeats poem but not quoted by Mansur: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity.”

Mansur, for one, does not lack conviction.

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Guest rattler

I hope not butttt

In the UK you see 2nd generation Brits turning towards more traditional Muslim beliefs, in BC you see 2nd generation Sikhs doing the same. Seems like the parents came over to avoid the extremists and but their children are embracing them.


Hard to understand, let alone to overcome.


This is new to Canada, previous ethnic waves did not revert to extremism (or was it just hidden?)

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