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Pardon Me

Kip Powick

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Many of us have come to this board, not to seek solace, but rather to eliminate heartache through the catharsis of writing. It was just over 12 months ago that I wrote about my youngest son’s 10 year old Lab suddenly dieing, and at such a young age. If I did not thank those that added their comments and understood how much a child’s pet means to the entire family core I would like to thank you now.

It seems a few days later there were other postings from other pet owners who had suffered a loss and once again sadness settled over the forum.

Tonight I just rec’d a short note from my youngest son. His last Lab suffered a stroke and had to be put down. This Lab was the first of the two he would eventually own and the last to die. “Ellis” was bought while the boy was in Queens and the dog, became a “chick magnet” and was seen everywhere with my son, in classes, and out of classes. When he graduated from Queens he was to have his picture taken in full grad splendor. The photographer told him to “lose the dog”. My son told the photographer the dog was “in” or he was “out”.

That photo now adorns our Rec room wall, a graduate holding a one year old puppy. Our son then went on to another University to get another degree, and we then added another grad picture with “boy and dog”. He fell in love, married and most every wedding picture has the dog in it.

Yes, Ellis was old by Lab standards, 15 ½ , and my son and daughter-in-law knew the day would soon come as Ellis was showing his age but as we all know…….no one is ever fully prepared for that day.

Rest In Peace Ellis…we all loved you and always will.user posted image

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My condolences to your son and his family. Do you still have a copy of the Rainbow Bridge poem? If not I can resend it. We too had a sad event a few months ago when our oldest German Shepherd who was 13 passed away in her sleep and was found by our 15 year old son when he went to let her out in the morning.

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Thanks guys, yes I have a copy of the poem. Sent it to my son when the first Lab died, I won't send it again, not because of its content, but it just doesn't seem the thing to do.

The three kids have been on the phone with us this morning and for the one, it is a very traumatic time, no pets at his home, but like all things unkind, the feeling of sadness will be slowly replaced by the many memories of the good times.

Thanks for your thoughts and have a good weekend.


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