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Frog Fish 01

Kip Powick

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This is a photo of a frog fish taken from my Reef Fish Identification Book and this particular type of fish grows to no more than 3-5 inches. This photo was taken by someone else and the fish was spotted in Barbados

It has two methods of propulsion, it's tiny tail and it also ingests water and uses it like a pump to squirt it out and move through the water. You will find it hard to see its eyes as the brown dots you are looking at are not eyes but its distinctive identification markings.

It is not afraid of divers as it relies upon its ability to look like "nothing" via its inherent camouflage. Will not normally move unless it feels it is being threatened. It does not move very fast.

The next post is the one I saw and photographed. It was a bit of a trick to gently grasp the fish, focus the camera with one hand, (macro) and then open my hand and hope I got a photo...but here "it" is. The next photo was taken at about 55 feet BSL

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Thanks Kip

That was interesting , they sure are small.

I must overcome my dislike of the water and at least put on a snorkel mask the next time I'm in B'dos. I know I'm missing a great deal.

Do you ever dive at wrecks? The old ones must be very interesting.

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Well.... huh.gif ...if you say that's a fish, I'll take your word for it.

Looks more like something you'd scrape off the bottom of the roasting pan to me, but then... my eyes ain't so good... Which brings another thought to mind... All those lines I see in your hand?... I used to have lines like that, until about the same time my eyes went bad... I thought maybe all of us lost them as we got older, but I see you still have yours.


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Thanks for the pictures of the frogfish, Kip. I sort of expected something that looked more like a frog than a piece lichen. I guess the name is all in the "fake" eyes.

As for newgirl's comment about water, I feel somewhat the same way. I don't mind swimming in the stuff, but somehow... going underneath... a long way... sucking air through a piece of rubber hose... sad.gif There is hope though. A friend of mine learned to scuba dive 2 years ago and swears that her fear was way worse than mine. She loves it now and can't wait for trips south. Perhaps... one day. smile.gif

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Once you overcome any fear you harbour about being under a ton of water you begin to see what every diver talks about. It is such a thrill to see more life in a cubic metre of water than, in some areas, 10 square acres of land ashore.

There are times I just want to settle to the bottom and stay in one spot and watch the life pass me by. user posted image

There is a liitle fish, looks like a multicored goldfish and is called a Damselfish. They spend their entire life in a small area and are very territorial. One can peer over a coral head and have these little fellows actually swim up to your mask and hit the glass in an attempt to chase you away...it is so much fun to watch them dart about.

Should you ever get a chance to try the sport I am sure you will not be disappointed and will probably be "hooked" for life. One of the offshoots of the sport is that you become very aware of the dangers of water pollution and think nothing of telling folks not to toss their cigarette butts in the water !!!user posted image

For NEWGIRL.... I have done a few wrecks but am not thrilled by them. There are some divers that just do wrecks. The only wreck site I would like to visit now would be Truk Lagoon...(full of WWII airplanes).user posted image

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This one's at just over 100' off Diamond Head - my own first dive after certification. That other stuff reminds me when I used to pack a spear gun whistling.gif (altho' there's a couple of morays squatting here as well wink.gif )

Cheers, IFG beer_mug.gif


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If you ever get the inkling to go over to Truck. Let me know. It is a dream of mine to go there. I watched a documentary on it some time ago and it would be great to see first hand.

I dive mostly wrecks up here in the "fresh Water" (ie COLD). I have only been diving in the south once about 8 years ago off of Xcaret Mexico. I do understand what you love about it and cannot wait to go back into the warmer waters.

Great pictures.


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I have had an invitation from a fellow to join him in a trip to Truk. He is presently flying with AC. If you are interested in making contact with him...PM me.


Frightened Puffer at night, when frightened they inflate and hope their "spikey body will protect them from predators.. Right eye is just visible . He is swimming toward me.

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