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Anyone else receive this Krap ?

Kip Powick

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REF: OGS/2311786008/011CU

BATCH: 14/91110/IPD /NL12BA


We are

pleased to inform you,this year 2005 promotion result, of the Globe

Net Lottery International Bv.programs held on the 6th of Jan. 2006.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 20511465886-6294 with

serial number 3772-99 drew lucky numbers 6-15 17-24-31-4459 which

consequently won in the 2nd category, you have therefore been approved

for a lump sum pay out of

500, 000.00 Dollars. (Five hundred thousand


All I have to do is call a number or email a company in the Netherlands to "claim" my prize.

So cool...big party at my place when I get the funds !!! dry.gif

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Below is a copy of the email I sent to these guys.....I'll keep updating as I hear from them.........

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email and what a pleasant surprise.!!!! We are so excited and we promise to keep the numbers confidential until we have the money in hand and then we plan to promote your company by making an announcement on CBC radio and TV as well as Canada's other National TV broadcaster, the CTV network. As well we have prepared a statement from our financial advisor that he may distribute to all of Canada's National Newspapers.

I have two questions...

1)Is the prize in US funds or Canadian, and

2)From what country is the First Prize winner..or must that be held as Confidential Information as well.?

Thank you for allowing us to participate in your New Years Bonanza and my entire family looks forward to hearing from you and we await the arrival of the 2nd prize cheque.

With thanks

DK Powick

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Below is a copy of the email I sent to these guys.....I'll keep updating as I hear from them.........

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email and what a pleasant surprise

Geez Kip!

You did what they wanted you to do. You validated your email address. And worse, your computer's IP address.

It's a difficult thing to comprehend that one's email address might actually come up in a scam-organization's mailing list: use a gazillion combinations and permutations of a 5-25 alpha/numeric e-name(including _'s and .'s)@gazilliondomains.com. But when one in a thousand responds, your computer is tagged forever; when one in a million bites, these scum profit. Do the math. They don't generate these combinations by hand: it's done by (you guessed it:...) A COMPUTER.

My Dad responded to similar bait about a year ago. He's still paying for it. Thankfully, he's only paying in aggravation. At least he can now pre-screen his emails on the server prior to downloading them.

You posted earlier about a new threat. That was very valuable. MS posted a "fix" within 24 hours.

What more can one ask for when swimming with piranha?

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Geez Kip!

You did what they wanted you to do. You validated your email address. And worse, your computer's IP address.

Not to worry.... I followed the same type of scam on the Web last year. Another fellow got the Nigerian Scam and kept a log of his emails..it was a real hoot. You must remember that one can have many email addresses and I have 5 and the one I am using is NOT my home computer...so let's see what happens biggrin.gif

Re the Computer threat...actually MS was very slow coming out the gate. Another computer type actually made a patch a few days before MS and I used that patch. Initially MS stated that they would have a patch by 09 Jan but there was so much pressure on them that they worked around the clock and came up with the fix a few days earlier.

The problem was actually brought up by the "Storm Center" on about 01 January or a bit earlier. If you go to the Storm Center website that I linked to and the start reading "previous " pages you will see what I mean.

Thanks for your concern ..but tis "no problem , mon" biggrin.gif

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Between the Nigerian scams and Readers Digest contests, I have thrown at least $2,000,000 (200 Million Dollars ) into the garbage over the years. Then there are the millions that I just haven't had the time to claim yet. Maybe tomorrow.

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Sorry Kip - I'm not a subscriber either. It was on the news just before Christmas. She was told she won 2.2 million, and ended up losing almost a quarter of a mil before she knew it.

It really is sad, but how can a grown woman believe that she won that much money in a lottery that she didn't even enter, and then not catch on when they asked her to send them money, or asked for her bank account number, or however they did it?

It doesn't make sense to me, but then I guess that's why these scams keep happening - because every once in a while, they reel in a big one.

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Not to worry.... I followed the same type of scam on the Web last year. Another fellow got the Nigerian Scam and kept a log of his emails..it was a real hoot. You must remember that one can have many email addresses and I have 5 and the one I am using is NOT my home computer...so let's see what happens biggrin.gif

Re the Computer threat...actually MS was very slow coming out the gate. Another computer type actually made a patch a few days before MS and I used that patch. Initially MS stated that they would have a patch by 09 Jan but there was so much pressure on them that they worked around the clock and came up with the fix a few days earlier.

The problem was actually brought up by the "Storm Center" on about 01 January or a bit earlier. If you go to the Storm Center website that I linked to and the start reading "previous " pages you will see what I mean.

Thanks for your concern ..but tis "no problem , mon" biggrin.gif

Well done, then. Much of your post was in jest and/or for internet-savvy folks like most of those on this forum. My apologies for taking your warning at face value wub.gif but "sure as shootin'", somebody's gonna go there and spend some livelihood...

The Internet is like walking the streets of Queens after dark.

You gets what you pays for....

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Guest rattler

Here is a story on the scam:

Lottery scam bilks $230G from single victim


POSTED AT 5:32 PM Wednesday, December 21

Lottery and sweepstakes scams have been around for years, but people still fall for them.

If you don't see the warnings all the time, and you're a single mother of four with money troubles, a sham prize notice just might look like your ship that's finally come in.

It's hard to believe, but one Calgary woman lost $230,000 trying to claim her so-called prize.

The woman, who wants her identity concealed, got an e-mail saying she'd won $2.2 million in an international lottery.

The "lawyer", who sent it, gained her trust over several months with official looking documents, websites, frequent e-mails and phone calls.

"We started talking about family, the kids, vacation planning the kids would go on safari," says the scam's victim.

"Whenever I'd say I didn't have the money, he'd say trust in God, I'll pray for you, this is god's money meant for you."

He slowly extracted money from her for things like lawyer fees, taxes, and insurance, leading her to believe she was only one step away from her money.

She wired him $230,000 before she pulled the plug, money she borrowed from her family, money she's trying to repay.

The RCMP traced the e-mails and phone numbers back to South Africa and turned the file over to police there, but this victim knows her chances of seeing her money are about the same as her chances of winning the lottery.

The woman in this story did the interview, because embarrassing as her situation is, she wanted to use it to save other people from similar mistakes.

She also believes that there are a lot of people, who have fallen victim to fraud, that don't tell anyone about it, because they are ashamed.

She's interested in starting a support group for people that have been victimized by fraud.

For more information e-mail her at scamstories@yahoo.ca.

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Guest rattler

Kip: the story has received play over the past few weeks and the wiring of the money was done over several months. It appears that the story is indeed legit.....

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Guest rattler

Kip: I was going to suggest that you research the story and then make up your mind but...... guess not......

I would never have emailed back to the scammer either. tongue.gif

Just an FYI the newspaper articles did say she borrowed the money over a period of time from friends, relatives etc......

As far as your other comments....... Not knowing the woman, I have no idea.

It is hard to reply / counter your comments when they disappear..... laugh.gif and I thought I was the only one who did that. tongue.gif

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Kip: I was going to suggest that you research the story and then make up your mind but...... guess not......

I would never have emailed back to the scammer either. tongue.gif

Just an FYI the newspaper articles did say she borrowed the money over a period of time from friends, relatives etc......

As far as your other comments....... Not knowing the woman, I have no idea.

RATTLER...Ahhh I went back and read your "posted" story and realized that she borrowed the money so deleted my post regarding the issue.

Sounds confusing???? At least you and I know what we are talking about.

All I would add is that her friends/relatives could be classified as "stupid" as well....... unless she kept the real reason for the "borrowed" money a secret.

PS...I wsh I had friends/relatives that would lend me that amount !!! wink.gif

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Guest rattler

wish I had some well heeled friends / relatives..... but none that I do have are stupid enough to lend me money without collateral....

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Email rec’d today….they certainly have a good grasp on grammar/syntax and spelling rolleyes.gif

Attn: Dear Winner ,

You are advice to fill in the form and send back the payment scheme form in the attachment to enable us forward your full details of your winning to the paying bank. You can send back your filled form via email attachedement immediately or send to our office via fax.

You also have the option of receiving winning claim from our paying bank via online banking system to your account. In which case, we shall have your winning lodged in form of a draft/cheque with a secured insurance cover with our official bankers here in the Netherlands for onward wire to you.

You won 500,000 .US$.

Several email was extracted from the computer a draw was carry out ,your email happean to be one of the lucky winners.

Best regards,

Mrs Judith Hans.

Secretary for the Agency

My reply.

Thank you for your email. I find this whole process to be exciting and my family is extremely excited about our winning such a prize. One of the first things we will buy is a new computer. This is a very old computer that was given to me by one of my friends and unfortunately it only has a few programs on it and many are very very old. I can not open the mycrosoft word attachment you sent me. If I could get it out of my computer I could take it to a neighbour cause they have a better computer and could probably open it but I don’t know how to do that either.

Would it be possible for you to just send me instructions in a email.

I look forward to hearing from you and when we receive the bank draft I will be sending you a considerable amount of money just for making our lives so wonderful.. you sound like a very nice person.

Best wishes

PS...The Microsoft Word Document that was attached to the email has a lot of personal info required and just about every third line states that the "recipient" is responsible for the "bank draft fees and transfer charges" biggrin.gif

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Email rec’d today….they certainly have a good grasp on grammar/syntax and spelling rolleyes.gif

Looks like they used one of the free translation programs.

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