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This is NOT a HOAX

Kip Powick

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This is not a hoax…..this was passed to me by my son who makes his living with computers… the text of his email follows…. If you have a fair amount of knowledge about the inner workings of the “voodoo box” you own then you will see the problem. If you are not that familiar with the workings of your computer then all I can say is be very, very careful and really update your virus and security data base.

The zero day exploits mentioned at the top of this newsletter are bad,

_very_ bad. Your systems can get infected simply by viewing a malicious WMF

file sent in an e-mail attachment or viewed in your browser. There are

reports of known "good" web sites being compromised and malicious links

added that will direct your browser to a malicious WMF file. As described

below, the exploit can download keystroke loggers, back door programs, or

virtually anything else. Once this vulnerability is exploited, it may be

extremely difficult or even impossible to trace all of the actions taken by

the exploit code.

There is no patch available at this time, although Microsoft is


The two best sources of information on this very serious problem are the

Internet Storm Center and F-Secure links listed below in the article, and

repeated here for convenience. You should go to this link, read and check

other pages here as well….

Storm Centre


More info

DO NOT IGNORE THIS THREAT. Read both of the above pages in their entirety,

and consider implementing the workarounds discussed at these sites. New

versions of the exploit are being developed as the anti-virus vendors

release signatures for their products. Be sure to keep all anti-virus

software completely up to date (we strongly recommend hourly checks for

updated signatures), and consider increasing your full scan frequency. Good luck

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Guest rattler

Microsoft Windows Graphics Rendering Engine WMF/EMF Format Code Execution Vulnerability



Date Discovered



Microsoft Windows WMF/EMF graphics rendering engine is affected by a remote code execution vulnerability.

The problem presents itself when a user views a malicious WMF or EMF formatted file causing the affected engine to attempt to parse it. Exploitation of this issue can trigger an integer overflow that may facilitate heap memory corruption and arbitrary code execution.

Any code execution that occurs will be with SYSTEM privileges due to the nature of the affected engine. Successful exploitation can facilitate a remote compromise or local privilege escalation.

Symantec Enterprise Security Manager

Symantec Enterprise Security Manager posted an update to the OS Patch Policy that detects and reports systems that are not patched against this vulnerability. Click here for the advisory released November 10, 2005.

Symantec Enterprise Security Manager Network Assessment Module detects and reports this vulnerability. Click here for the advisory released November 11, 2005.

Symantec Vulnerability Assessment

Symantec Vulnerability Assessment detects and reports this vulnerability. Click here for the advisory released November 8, 2005.

complete Article

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Guest Zebigboss

No problems with both my G5 imac and G4 ibook... If you repair your permissions and check and run disk repair before and after every update the chances of running into problems are slim to none... Actually they are slim to none even if you dont go through these very simple steps. Nice try Vader wink.giflaugh.gif !

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No problems with both my G5 imac and G4 ibook... If you repair your permissions and check and run disk repair before and after every update the chances of running into problems are slim to none... Actually they are slim to none even if you dont go through these very simple steps. Nice try Vader wink.giflaugh.gif !

Love my new iMacs, and yes, if you occasionally run a 60-second maintenance program that cleans out some caches and other crannies, it runs great.

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Mac OS X 10.3 update nuked my Firewire backup drive, that was cutsie. Fortunately the main drive was okay. But I bet that little episode turned alot of air blue.

I have a Mac Mini, until last week I had a 1.3ghz G4 tower but one of my old consulting clients made me an offer I couldn't refuse on it as they needed a fast machine that booted Mac OS 9 for something. $1100 + a 450mhz machine I could do my Mac OS 9 stuff on.

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The windows Hotfix is now available for download and installation....if you do not have auto update and installation selected on your computer.

If unsure if it is installed...go to Control Panel> add/remove programs> and look for Microsoft Hotfix KB912919

You might want to read this entire page to ascertain how to remove the previous "hotfix" that was generated by the "Storm Centre" if you did in fact install it until MS patch became available. (Most info near bottom of page)

Storm Center Update

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