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Eleven guys:

Mitch Cronin

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...just in case that Teplitsky feller knocks over a wasps nest....

biggrin.gif should have suggested this five years ago:

Eleven guys:

Five of them from team X, five of them from team O.... each enabled to bring back a deal they would recommend to their respective members for a vote... if the vote passes on both sides, Yer dun! YeeeHaaaw!

3 weeks to make that deal in a nice, warm, way out in nowhere, well stocked cottage challet-sorta-thing...

...the eleventh guy?.... biggrin.gif

What the heck? You'll be fighting about it for eons if you don't find something to at least make you feel a bit like you worked it out... Lawyers cost oodles... biggrin.gif won't cost you oodles... All you gotta do is get biggrin.gif 3 weeks off work, buy lots of rum and beer... bring laptops and charts and figures and paper and pencils...

...and be sure to feed biggrin.gif

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Sounds to me like you're suggesting a WWF-style cagefight and you want to be the Referee. Those Refs seem to get hit quite often with chairs, are you sure you would want to do this?

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WWF? Heck no, All that stuff is correographed, honkytonk horse feathers! ...isn't it?

No, no fights... just a bunch of good folks out in the country for some fresh air, some good yak, a few beers, and to make a deal...

I may be wrong, but I'm thinking if something like that were to have happened 5 years ago, the issue would have been long gone by now. Back then, they might have lost a vote or two, and the gang might have had to come back to the cottage a couple times.... as their respective groups dealt with the shock and reality of what kind of losses they'd each face as "fair" was found... But I think they'd have found it much sooner. .... without the flying mud it's likely even the hard liners in the crowd would have softened their stance and contemplated the notion of compromise sooner.

...or so I reckon anyway...

We'll see what comes down now, but I'm conerned that if Mr. T. comes up with something that just sends the pendulum swinging the other way, things won't be any better than if he were to come up with nothing at all... which already makes things look like that 3 weeks in a retreat someplace is still a good idea to me.

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