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Kip Powick

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I found an even better one...a parody of the original Kip posted. Just a warning though, some may find it offensive so don't click the link if you are in any way an uptight religious type. You've been warned.


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Just a warning though, some may find it offensive so don't click the link if you are in any way an uptight religious type.

Why do you associate being a religious believer as also an uptight person? Are you deemed uptight when offended? Is this any different than if one was to tell racial jokes to a mixed crowd? It appears that society has recognized what is offensive to minority's and religious groups other than Christianity. Why is that?

I’m not trying to pick a fight but Kip posted something beautiful and you chose to reply with something crass and offensive. Why? I think if you did the litmus test on your reply prior to posting you would find that it had a good chance of offending Christians which still happen to make up much of the population on earth!

Something to think about next time maybe?


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Why do you associate being a religious believer as also an uptight person? Are you deemed uptight when offended? Is this any different than if one was to tell racial jokes to a mixed crowd? It appears that society has recognized what is offensive to minority's and religious groups other than Christianity. Why is that?

I’m not trying to pick a fight but Kip posted something beautiful and you chose to reply with something crass and offensive. Why? I think if you did the litmus test on your reply prior to posting you would find that it had a good chance of offending Christians which still happen to make up much of the population on earth!

Something to think about next time maybe?


Well I specifically wanted to warn "uptight" religious believers. I know of many solid christians who could read the links I posted and take them for what they are, parody. I know some people have a problem understanding parody, not you I'm sure, but here is a definition just in case:

parody - a composition that imitates the serious manner and characteristic features of a particular work, or the distinctive style of its maker, and applies the imitation to a lowly or comically inappropriate subject.

As for what Kip posted, I agree that there are beautiful images, beautiful music and happy warm thoughts that express a specific belief system. I happen to have a different belief system. You may have noticed that this website is not a church. I don't have a problem with anyone posting any type of religious material here at all. In fact I would love to discuss the relative merits of your beliefs and mine just don't claim to be offended if I disagree with you.

BTW,christians represent somewhere between 25 and 33% of the population of earth.

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Well I specifically wanted to warn "uptight" religious believers. I know of many solid christians who could read the links I posted and take them for what they are, parody. I know some people have a problem understanding parody, not you I'm sure, but here is a definition just in case:

parody - a composition that imitates the serious manner and characteristic features of a particular work, or the distinctive style of its maker, and applies the imitation to a lowly or comically inappropriate subject.

As for what Kip posted, I agree that there are beautiful images, beautiful music and happy warm thoughts that express a specific belief system. I happen to have a different belief system. You may have noticed that this website is not a church. I don't have a problem with anyone posting any type of religious material here at all. In fact I would love to discuss the relative merits of your beliefs and mine just don't claim to be offended if I disagree with you.

BTW,christians represent somewhere between 25 and 33% of the population of earth.

There you go with "uptight" again as if that explains everything. Those against racism or discrimination are not uptight, just considerate of others. Just because you’re Christian friends can smile or laugh at this humor doesn't mean it doesn't hurt or affect them either. If a Chinese man laughs at your Chinese joke he is probably just being polite. I'm sure it still hurts him inside just like it would if we joke about your family or opinion. Now sure, you can put up a good front and deny it bothers you but deep down most compassionate humans feel some sort of remorse when ridiculed.

As for parody, yes I know what it is and like you have defined it "a lowly or comically inappropriate subject", it is just that an inappropriate subject!

As for the link, if you only find it has beautiful images, beautiful music and happy warm thoughts then that’s fine too. But this is not a simple discussion topic like politics, it is a belief of as you stated 25-33% of the people of this earth and it should not be belittled as with any other religion, race or culture.

Again, I'm not trying to upset you I just don't think you understand where the line is and when it comes to Caucasians and Christianity not many do.


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Again, I'm not trying to upset you I just don't think you understand where the line is and when it comes to Caucasians and Christianity not many do.



Don't worry I'm not upset at all. The anonimity factor to posting on a forum like this is both good and bad and the "line" is in a different place from the "line in real life. If I knew you as a co-worker or neighbour it's unlikely that I would discuss religion with you or direct you to the website in my post above. It's also unlikely that you would object to my beliefs as you mentioned in your example. The downside may be that you feel I am being crass and offensive, the upside is that you get some honest dialogue rather than polite banalities. Look at this as an opportunity to make a pitch for your belief system or as a chance to sharpen your understanding of mine.


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Seeker, thanks, from this quarter at least, for both your postings. In that subjective way that we react to these things, I thought they were funny, & neither crass nor offensive as handyman says - so there you go wink.gif. Of course, whether or not there's anything offensive or crass will finally be for each reader to judge, but I'll suggest it ranks favorably against stuff like, say, a 'parody' of jihadist Islam that have been posted here (complete with a contribution from handyman BTW), that draw little discernable opprobrium.

In a more general sense, it can sometimes seem that when folks post this sort of stuff, what's really taking place is an exercise in self-congratulation. Who here counts themselves among those who "who tend to get wrapped around the axle about most everything", as opposed to those who speak of the benefit that will fall for other people if they'd only draw the same wisdom (& BTW, I generalize, with no assumption about Kip's particular posting - lots of people put up that sort of stuff - it's a lovely piece of fluff rolleyes.gif)

.... I just don't think you understand where the line is and    when it comes to Caucasians and Christianity not many do.

handyman, I guess "where the line is" is wherever you want to draw it. Others perhaps will not confuse matters of fact, such as race, and matters of belief, such as religion. As a practical matter, reasonable people certainly defer to anybody's right to hold a religious belief, but please do not confuse that necessarily with deference for the belief itself, unless, for instance, it can be said we should all "respect" Osama Bin Laden's interpretation of the Koran as much as we might his middle-Eastern heritage. Please do not equate all-too-common racism and prejudice with a robust, even irreverent difference of opinion or viewpoint.

Cheers, IFG beer_mug.gif

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