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Mitch's driving report:

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Someone (!) recently reminded me of some flak I took upon myself for my comments here on my driving habits a while back... so... I just thought I'd mention:

I've been dawdling along in my truck now for months... 100 kph. Locked in at that, in the right lane, both to and from work.... and loving it! I pass, on average, about 1.5 trucks a day, and am passed by about 85 million folks everyday.

The biggest thing I've noticed is how relaxing the drive has become for me. Sure I miss the adrenaline filled rides at 180 kph... and the attempts to average as high as I could for the whole drive... the rush of cornering on the apex when no one's around to use the other lanes... the heart pumping thrill of getting her whoa'd back quick enough as soon as the cars in front make it evident there's a cop ahead... ... but I don't miss the after effects of all that adrenaline... I was too hyper!

Now I've found I'm a heck of a lot calmer, and my wife isn't worried about me all the time wink.gif

The one downside.... : Spending so much time in that right lane, I'm forever having to help too many mindless fools merge as they enter the highway. It's amazing how many people don't know how to use the acceleration lane properly!

... I know... Who cares?! .... but heck, this place has room for this kind of post, and ya can't always be spittin' vinegar at the guys on the other team... Small distractions of a light hearted nature are worthwhile sometimes, aren't they?

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Been doing that for several months from Barrie and find it very relaxing and entertaining. You get a great view from the right lane of all the idiots trying to pass and get to work 5 mins early. Who wants to get there too early! Anyway I find I can save about 3 litres each time I drive to work at 100 instead of 120. Getting too old for some of this crap anyway. Glad to see I'm not the only one slowing down... Thanks Mitch. cool26.gif

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Guest rattler

Here in Alberta on our 6 lane highways (3 3ach way), the center lane is the place to be. You can watch the roadrunners doing their thing and stay out of trouble at the level crossings..... biggrin.gif

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Now that's one thing I noticed that Ontario cleans the rest of the provinces clocks with! On our multi-lane highways, we don't have level crossings...

We have overpasses and underpasses, and on and off ramps... On the 3 laners, the right lane is the place for those of us who dawdle... On the 4 lane segments, the third lane is still the correct place for us, until we need to pass... or are exiting.

In fact... what needs to be learned by all of us, no matter the speed we drive, is stay right when not passing. That simple measure would alleviate tonns of frustration a lot of folks encounter on their way, whether or not they're in a hurry.

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Hey Rattler, that six lane highway must be the Deerfoot (aka Leadfoot). Not too many 6 laners where I go.

Got to admit it is quite relaxing only going 10-20 over the speedlimit (on Hwy.2 YC-EG) and have everybody wizzing by. Get some dirty looks though, they don't expect a sportscar to go that slow.

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Amen on the merge lanes ! Some sweet old dear always merges into the traffic lane at 70 while the rest are going 100kms. In winter it's truly hazardous and on a bad day it's not unusual to see anywhere from 3- 5 cars in the ditch in a space of 1 km. The sweet dear just keeps on truckin at 80kms oblivious to everything....

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Well merging at 70 sure beats the people I usually get behind who insist on almost stopping and waiting for a clear section before they move into traffic and slow everyone down. Sometimes I wonder if some people missed that class in drivers ed.

However after making a trip down east on my holidays I must say I sure prefer rush hour here in Cowtown to rush hour in TO. Man, I tried to get from one side of the city to the other and was bumper to bumper, even though it was at least an hour past when I figured rush hour should have passed. How do you stand it down there? blink.gif

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I just got back from a road trip to Freddie NB. The drive on the Trans Canada through NB and Quebec is great. The people stay right except to pass and generally drive "nice". Most of the 401 in Ontario is good as well but you know when you are close to Toronto. The drivers become STUPID and traffic begins to back up. I came in on Saturday night at around 11:30 and the traffic was outrageous. It was like rush hour in any other city.

Then there was the idiots (in the east end) that were doing at least 160 weaving in and out of traffic...Unbelievable. I really think the police should concentrate on the BAD drivers not just the speeders. Illegal lane changes, no signals, weaving, the list goes on. Get them off the road.

Other than the last half hour of the trip, my vacation was great.


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