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For Mitch and Seeker, ( if he wants)

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Well, you got me. It sure looked real and I'm sure you'll agree that there is a difference between seeing this while sitting in a movie theatre, where everything is expected to be an effect, and seeing it presented as "someone having a bad day". Anyway, I promise from here on not to believe anything you say or post!


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Well I feel better. smile.gif

Thanks for that Kip.... I actually had someone e-mail that little video clip to me about a year ago or so... followed by (from the same person) an e-mail of photos of Lady Diana, in the car after the wreck that killed her. Too graphic for me... I asked that fellow not to send me anything else like that. I had no idea the scene was fake. Maybe the Diana shots were too?

Unlike many these days it seems, I don't like watching people in pain. I feel hurt when I see it... for that reason, I like to avoid the tradgedy movies. Still haven't seen Titanic (I know how it ends)... never saw Schindlers List (I believe I know how that ends too)... Haven't enjoyed watching hockey for years... don't slow to rubber-neck at car accidents... can remember feeling sick and walking away from a schoolyard fight...

But fiction is something different. Glad to know that's that. cool.gif


You have a good weekend too. wink.gif

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Well I feel better. smile.gif

Thanks for that Kip.... I actually had someone e-mail that little video clip to me about a year ago or so... followed by (from the same person) an e-mail of photos of Lady Diana, in the car after the wreck that killed her. Too graphic for me... I asked that fellow not to send me anything else like that. I had no idea the scene was fake. Maybe the Diana shots were too?

Unlike many these days it seems, I don't like watching people in pain. I feel hurt when I see it... for that reason, I like to avoid the tradgedy movies. Still haven't seen Titanic (I know how it ends)... never saw Schindlers List (I believe I know how that ends too)... Haven't enjoyed watching hockey for years... don't slow to rubber-neck at car accidents... can remember feeling sick and walking away from a schoolyard fight...

But fiction is something different. Glad to know that's that. cool.gif


You have a good weekend too. wink.gif

Mitch, you must be in heaven this week: TSN has an F-1 race followed by the Indy 500 followed by a NASCAR race. I was just down in the US southeast and they have NASCAR theme parks. How can you even contemplate living in this backward country when there is an advanced civilization just a 12-hour drive from Toronto? wink.gif

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Yessir! What a race day tomorrow! I'm off work, I have a bottle of Appletons waiting for the occasion... wife has been warned to expect nothing from me all day. Just have to finish off some stuff today and the entire day will be free...

Life is good. biggrin.gif

I've heard about those theme parks... I think if I was a rich man, I'd be buying some time in one of those NASCAR training camps... Big bucks for a day of training and then some practice laps, but what a rush it'd be!

Then again... for a few more dollars, I understand you can buy some time in a fighter... ohmy.gifbiggrin.gif


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No problem guys and I guess I owe you two a bit of an apology as well. I "assumed" everyone would know it was a "made-up" video and thus when you both questioned my sanity for posting such a video I was literally aghast. I did not take your point of view into full consideration , thus my hasty, if not edgy replies.

Anyhow...here is one that proves that not everyone has a sense of humour.

No Sense of Ha-Ha wink.gif

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Guest rattler

Kip, I think retirement is providing you with too much idle time. Your wife needs to update your "honey-do" jar. ohmy.gif

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