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Milton at The Hilton

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Guest Gord

Yeah I can just see it, "Seconds out, Time" then two massive ego's go head to head. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I might have been persuaded to buy a ticket to that one. I think they've missed an opportunity to make a few bucks. biggrin.gif


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Guest SkyGlider

Don't worry, this has become enough a public matter that a movie make sense... There is all the drama needed: airline in jeopardy + competitor and industrial espionage + union vs. management + wars, diseases, economic turndown in the World + justice/legal involvement + whatever I forget = 120 minutes of major hollywood production on the silver screen!

Any suggestions for the casting that could play the actual people involved?


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Guest Watcher

I have to disagree:

A steely-eyed Robert De Niro playing the cold and calculating Buzz Hargrove going up against 'the man' would fit the bill perfectly.

Tapping into the on-screen chemistry from 'The Score', I'd cast Edward Norton as the unlikeable yet oddly respected Robert Milton.

As we reach the final scene in the Toronto Hilton, it's anyone's guess as to who will come out the victor. Thank goodness this is Canada, as the likelihood of either character packing heat is significantly dimished....

Good Times....what would life be without a little drama. Thank you Buzz! Thank you Robert! Good entertainment value for free!

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Guest Tri-spool

Yes, great entertainment as long as your not one of those 33,000 employees with their butts on the line...the possible EI line.

Hope this resolves itself soon!



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Guest Gord

How about Harvey Keitel as Robert Milton and Michael Madsen reprising his "Reservoir Dogs" role as Buzz Hargrove and Uma Thurman in drag as the Judge, all directed by Quinton Tarantino. All royalties to go to the employees of Air Canada. Screw the airline business, we'd all be millionaires. Oh yes and Burger Royales ala "Pulp Fiction" fame to tide us over the intermission, given to everyone, not just a chosen 100. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Ontario Superior Court Justice Warren Winkler, who is supervising Air Canada's restructuring under protection from creditors, ordered the two sides to confer with him after Air Canada announced yesterday an impasse over a cost-cutting deal that would ensure a German bank's investment in the insolvent airline.

"The judge not only invited us, he instructed us to be here. I've been in front of quite a few judges in my time and when they tell you to do something, you'd better do it," Hargrove said.

Milton, who was to be joined at the meeting by Paul Brotto, executive vice-president for cost control and planning, used a service elevator to avoid the media throng awaiting him at a downtown Toronto hotel.

His director of communications, Priscille LeBlanc, cautioned that although the two sides were talking, the discussions are aimed at finding some common ground, and were "not a formal bargaining session."

"So what's important is that they've determined there is a basis to resume discussions and we're hopeful that we'll achieve an agreement out of it," LeBlanc said.

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Guest ikfu

Bagdad Buzz as himself or played by the furloughed M.S.S ( Iraqi Information Minister Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf) .

Famous quotes of Bagdad Buzz - "We will slaughter them at the bargaining table". "There are thousands of investors waiting in the wings", "I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate".


Buy the DVD now, with more great Buzz clips including -

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of the CAW."

"They're coming to surrender or be burned in their pinstripe suits."

"No I am not scared, and neither should you be!"

"Be assured. Air Canada is safe, protected"

"Who are in control, they are not in control of anything - they don't even control themselves!"

"We are not afraid of the creditors. Allah has condemned them. They are stupid. They are stupid" (dramatic pause) "and they are condemned."

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